installing two OS's on a partition?


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2005
hey, i was wondering if i could download a new OS on my partitioned hard drive. It is truly a 80gig hard drive, but it is partitioned into a 20/60 gig hard drive(s) and i want to keep my current xp pro setup on maybe the 20gig(C drive, windows is installed on this side) and install a diffrent OS like Windows Vista (build 5270) on the 60 gig. Is it possible? thanks....
Short answer is yes, it's very possible. However i've never done a dual-boot Windows/Linux machine before. I assume you need a boot loader to choose between operating systems. Perhaps Linux offers that? Someone with more knowlege than i will have to answer that one.
If by download you mean install, yes, you can. I would unpartiton the 60 GB area, and during the Vista setup, choose the 60 GB unformatted partition. It will set it up for you, and handle the boot loader changes as well.
i mounted the image in dameon tools and now, can i just run the setup and when i run it, it will ask where i want to install it so i choose drive "D"(60gig)...?
urbanlegend786 said:
i mounted the image in dameon tools and now, can i just run the setup and when i run it, it will ask where i want to install it so i choose drive "D"(60gig)...?
I dont think so. You gotta burn it to a CD (with Nero or Alcohol) and set your PC to boot from it.

Unless Vista changed THAT much from XP......
You're going to want to burn it to a disc and boot from it, as mentioned.
i wanted to install it on drive "D", the side of the partined hard drive, it has 60 gigs, but it only gives me the choice of a fresh install on C, or repartining the drive? Is it possible that i can use a upgrade (if i can get it to work) install then downgrade kinda back to windows xp pro later

If you choose custom, can you go in and partition the "D:" drive, and let it install there?