Installing DansGuardian on IPCop 1.4.10


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2006
Well I finally broke down and built an IPCop firewall. I have been experimenting with all of the features that are available. So far I am impressed.

From what I have been reading DansGuardian runs much better than squidguard. I have been trying to install DansGuardian on IPCop 1.4.10 with no luck. Everytime I install DG and DG GUI I get the dreded "500 Internal Server Error" when I try to access my IPCop. Are there any "packages" for DG that will work with 1.4.10? From what I can tell there are installs for 1.4.9 and I have tried them all... Well all that I can find anyway... :(

Keep in mind this is my first run with *nix.... Please go easy on me... :)

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I just found out that it IS filtering.... But I cannot access the web interface on the firewall. It is now blocking Ebay... :mad:
Thanks! I am just tinkering right now. Is it possible for this to become an obsession? Any way, so far I am liking all that is available for IPCop.... There are alot of advanced features that are not available in a Router/Firewall unless you want to spend several thousand dollars.

Again thanks for the link. I am reading about it right now. :)
Axeldoomeyer said:
Thanks! I am just tinkering right now. Is it possible for this to become an obsession? Any way, so far I am liking all that is available for IPCop.... There are alot of advanced features that are not available in a Router/Firewall unless you want to spend several thousand dollars.

Again thanks for the link. I am reading about it right now. :)

Yeah...I got pretty wrapped up in them. I tried a few, you may have seen some of my posts about them on this board. I first tried plain old IPCop. Ran it for a while..then tried another...PFSense. Then went back to my RV0 router. Nice and all..but didn't give my much for features or performance above what my RV0 did.

I then stumbled across the Copfilter add on. " there's additional features my business router don't are basically Unified Threat Management features you see on big enterprise appliances now that cost from 3-10-15 thousand dollars or more!" Antivirus filtering, spam filtering, ad-blocking, deep SPI and intrusion detection.

It installed easy..I didn't know Linux for beans...I'd piddled with Ubuntu a bit..but that's all GUI, IPCop was really my first peek at command line linux stuff....I got Copfilter installed on the second try.

Then I saw in some thread someone from these forums mentioned Endian..and I took a look. "'s like IPCop WITH the Copfilter add-in..built right into it..but it looks much nicer, much cleaner, much more polished". So I tried it..and it's what I'm still running. The one thing it the ad-blocking feature that Copfilter had. I really wish it did..I miss that feature enough so that I'm considering going back to it.

One note though..when you run these extras like'll need at least some modest horsepower. The ol "I can run my linux router on an old PII 300 with 128 megs" ain't gonna cut it. You'll want a gigahertz or higher with at least 384 megs or 512.
YeOldeStonecat said:
Then I saw in some thread someone from these forums mentioned Endian..and I took a look. "'s like IPCop WITH the Copfilter add-in..built right into it..but it looks much nicer, much cleaner, much more polished". So I tried it..and it's what I'm still running.
My story is similar except I read about Endian on DistroWatch. I like it so much I am considering becoming a reseller for my business.
im digging my ipcop

yea today i just installed dansguardian, i couldnt even get to the config for it, so i just uninstalled it....

ipcop+copfilter+addons and im good

but today im goin to rebuild my box...this 533mhz 384mb ram 6gb 4300rpm isnt cutting it

goin to 1.33ghz athlon w/1gb ram...80gb hdd 7200 rpm as well
I ending up going with Copfilter... It seems to work really well. I like it so far. I am running it on a 1.2ghz duron with 768MB ram. It runs really well. Now I just need to build a SFF machine to run on... HMMM....
for any help w/ copfilter or ipcop check out the irc channels

copfilter is kinda dead, but yea hit up its forums as well theres lil activity on there but they just released a new beta of copfilter yesterday, im running it and its doin just fine