Installing BES Express on Server2008-x64 with Exchange 2007

Apr 10, 2002
I am trying to install BES Express 5.0.1 on an Microsoft 2008 x64 server that is running Exchange 2007 sp2. It is also a Domain Controller. I know I am piling things on here, maybe this is why people go virtual, and I may have to consider running the BES virtual, it is only going to support 3 blackberries, so I can probably allocate pretty low resources for it.
But I have successfully put BPS 4.1 on an SBS2003 server which is essentially doing the same thing I am trying to do now.

It gives me 2 errors.
Unable to find collaboration Data Objects Library (CDO.dll)
Microsoft Exchange Server detected (MAPI version 1.0.2536)

When I try to install the CDO 1.2.1, I get an error saying that Outlook needs to be installed on the server first.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

did you update exchange? run through all the updates.

that server is fine for 3 machines.
You can unregister and re-register cdo.dll in the system32 folder using regsvr32.

What version is the CDO.dll in system32?