Install guide for System Center Configuration Manager?


Jul 13, 2004
Hi all,

I'm looking for a guide to installing System Center Configuration Manager 2007. I've got Microsoft's Technet articles at my disposal, but they're just not working for me, and the few whitepapers I've found are dated back to when the product was in late beta (we're now at R2). If anyone knows of a PDF guide of some sort that goes through the prerequisites, and the install process, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Great site, but I'd be interested in something more free if anyone has anything. :)
check out this forum :

Probably the biggest and most active ConfigMgr forum on the net (along with the technet one). Anyweb from myitforum has alot of beginners guides on his personal site that are worth checking out.

ConfigMgr is deep and has a big learning curve, but once you start to master it you will never go back. Watching your large scale zero-touch OS installs / migrations succeed with a high success rate is good times.
Thanks guys, for all your help so far!

Xenios, I found those guides --one question: I was under the assumption that in addition to pushing software installs/updates, you could use SCCM to take the place of a WSUS server; is this correct? The installation guide mentioned having a WSUS server already installed (something I have done before) --it was also unclear as to whether I should have that WSUS server on the same box as SCCM, or a different one.
Yes, SCCM can replace WSUS with the Software Updates feature. This feature is used to perform microsoft updates, as well as thrid party updates if you are willing to create the catalogs. This is not to be confused with Software Distribution which is used to distribute and run just about anything on a clients system.

So, to answer your question, yes SCCM can be used to replace an independent WSUS setup. As for your other question, it can be installed on another machine or locally. I would assume for the purposes of the guide its installed on the same server. An important thing to keep in mind when setting up software updates is that the wsus install has to be unconfigurged. Also if you are replacing an existing wsus setup any group policies that specified the wsus server as the local update server must be removed.
yah, figured I'd have to edit the GPOs to specify the new server instead of the former WSUS server.

Thanks again. I have a Server 2008 box fully prepped with the right features/roles and extended the AD schema to it; now for the SQL stuff and SCCM.
the GPOs must not mention the server whatsoever. The SCCM client will take care of update checks and settings. If the gpo is applied to a machine with the client installed you will get errors.