Install Big Typhoon Before or After Motherboard in Case?


Nov 23, 2004
I'm wondering if you should install the big typhoon when the motherboard is outside the case or if it is better to install it after the motherboard has been installed in the case. Thanks, Rob
I installed all the brackets first and then installed the board, then put the Typhoon on, due to the design of my case.

It was kinda hard to tighten the nuts on the topside of the typhoon on my setup.
Does that fan stick OUT the side of your case? 0_o You're gonna need to cut a pretty fancy window for it if you ever intend to put the side back on.
ya, it stuck out so I had to have a hole cut in the side. It only sticks out about 2mm.
my friend cut it with a Plasma cutter since the metal was too thick for my Dremel (went through cutting wheels like crazy) and my air powered cutting wheel was too hard to control.
on my big typhoon it'd have been impossible to install after it was in the case.
i put the BT on bofore i put the mobo in the case. it also makes a very nice hanlde when you are trying to put in the mobo.
KaptainBlaZzed said:
i put the BT on bofore i put the mobo in the case. it also makes a very nice hanlde when you are trying to put in the mobo.
WS6 said:
I installed all the brackets first and then installed the board, then put the Typhoon on, due to the design of my case. It was kinda hard to tighten the nuts on the topside of the typhoon on my setup.

Man, it really looks like you could use a new case.
In most situations, you cannot even install the Big Typhoon without having the motherboard out of the chassis. So please, install the Big Typhoon before putting the unit+motherboard into the chassis.