Infinity Primus 150s on Z-5500?

raptor 33

Mar 28, 2004
I recently purchased a pair of 150's for my main stereo system. I was wondering if anyone has used these, or any good bookshelf speaker with the Logitech Z-5500 amplifiers. I use the DVD audio player that comes with the Creative xfi extreme music sound card and am building a nice collection of 6 channel audio dvd's. They sound, for the most part splendid (mainly quadraphonic classical recordings from the 70's that were recorded with 4 channel discreet analog masters and remixed to 5.1) The logitech speakers sound great but I'm sure the Infinity's will sound much better (just the front left and right channels) but I'm worried that they will be a bit much for the amplifiers in the 5500. Think I'm being too cautious? The 150's are 8 ohm's and pretty effecient though. Any thoughts?
yeah, you should be OK. And those primus are pretty good for the money. I bought some 250s for a friend and hooked them up at my place to get a sneak listen. Sounded nice.
Pinipig523 said:
You should be just fine... it should have enough power.
Yep, they sound just fine with a very big increase in mid range clarity. The stock speakers sound a tad *cramped* in comparision. However, I forgot to measure the Primus before the switch and they are way too big to fit on my corner desk. I need more desk top space. Back to the drawing board! Might have to buy some spkr stands and move some stuff around. By the way Pinipig, your using "Summits" for a PC sound system? OMG!!! I heard a pair once, haven't been the same since. nice....
They should sound WAY better in every matter.... midrange and highs... the bass is nowhere to be seen because the logitechs crosses over at 120hz, but they should be way better.

I actually have 5 speakers from the z-5500 laying under my bed doing nothing heheh :) And the sub being used for a table.. lol

Anyone want them? maybe we can work up a VERY good deal if you live anywhere near Socal :D
have you heard the difference between primus and beta? i think the extra $70 or so between them is far worth it, unless of course the primus's i heard were bad models, or you dont have an extra $140 handy
raptor 33 said:
By the way Pinipig, your using "Summits" for a PC sound system? OMG!!! I heard a pair once, haven't been the same since. nice....

Yup yup.... they are killer. Though, they are expensive to upkeep and I'm afraid I might have to let them go sometime soon and move back down to reality.... and pocket the rest of the numerous $Gs that will come from selling such an expensive equipment. We'll see... I hope I can keep them. I bought them used in-state so I wont lose money in the resale, if need be. :(

It's not the speakers that only cost a lot... it's the amps, the source, and the tweaks that drive the cost sky-high. I can afford an $8,000 used speaker, but I cant afford another $5-6K to keep it running at a higher potential. You gotta draw the line somewhere.
aZn_plyR said:
nope, it's fixed.
The Infinitys are rated down to 59hz. The Logitech sub at 120hz made the system bass heavy and un-natural sounding. The more I listened to it with the Infinitys the more I realized that tampering with it was not a good idea. The Z-5500's are better left alone. If I could just change the crossover frequency on the sub. Oh well.
Cesium said:
have you heard the difference between primus and beta? i think the extra $70 or so between them is far worth it, unless of course the primus's i heard were bad models, or you dont have an extra $140 handy
Nope, I based my "impulse buy" on a review of the Primus 150's in "Stereophile" magazine. They thought they were quite amazing. So do I. I mated them with my "Cambridge Subwoofer" and my aging but still perfectly functioning Harmon Kardon Citation 22 amp.
Does the Creative crossover frequency setting do anything? It seems that it could at least emulate a low crossover frequency.