infinite file made from breaker popping


Feb 16, 2003
Well the wonder twins that wired my hous put the restroom lights,computer room, and industrial cloths washer, all on one breaker. Well she popped and now i cant get into xp anymore, it just bsod. I popped in my knoppix linux cd and managed to get the main files off of the partition. I tryed running nftsfix but it says corrupted data. Booting from a caldera dos cd my boot partition says zero megs free. Im pretty sure that i file was being written during the power trip and now it has infinite size. I cant boot into safe mode either, it bsod after a while too right before it gets to the desktop.

I would like to run chkdsk but good old chkdsk on the windows install wont work in dos even if the boot cd can read ntfs.

I tryed doing a repair from the xp cd but the cd cant see the xp install and wont even install until i format my boot partition.

Any ideas?
smack the wonder twins upside the skull for their wonderful job causing you to lose data

um, ever heard of hirens boot disc? google for it, try a few hdd fix tools, 1 in particular that has saved me b4 its called HDD regenerator v1.51 (im actually doin it on a 250gb hdd at work now, 34 bad sectors..)

theres also spinrite, and some other tools to repair fuxx0rd disks...give em a whirl

if u recover your data off em, then next id just rma em if thats an option