incoming mail delay

Mar 15, 2002
After much time configuring and pulling out my hair I finally got a secure and powerful email server setup here at my home. Internet---->Smoothwall---->Spamfilter[orange] (red hat9, postfix, spamassassin, amavisd, razor)--------->Exchange Server 2000[green]

Domain is registrerd at My ISP blocks incoming 1025 ports and below so I signed up a for mailhop relay. This is a service that catches email for my domain with their email server on port 25 and then spits it back out to my mail server which it is configured to do on port 52525. I then forward port 52525 to port 25 to the spamfilter and opened a DMZ pinhole on port 25 from spamfilter to Exchange. It works very well this way and is secure.

The problem I am having is that when ever someone sends an email to me there is about a two hour delay from point of send to recieve. I checked the FAQ and they're explanation for delayed mail being sent to your server is this:

"The most likely explanation for this type of delay is that your mail server is performing what is known as "tarpitting". When your server is receiving a message that it is configured to not receive, rather than rejecting it as the standard SMTP procedure would be, it is simply holding open the connection, without sending any data, until it times out. If you are using any of our MailHop services, you MUST disable this type of functionality. Tarpitting will only cause serious problems for our mail server, and will cause delivery of legitimate mail to be delayed, because our server will think your server is broken, and will wait longer between delivery attempts. In some cases, this mis-configuration of your mail server can even cause legitimate messages to time out before they are delivered. If you want to implement content filters on your mail server, you MUST reject them with an SMTP 5xx error code. Any other behavior will cause serious problems. "

Anyone know what this is all about and how could I change this setting in Postfix or point me in the general direction?