In nero...


Jul 11, 2002
I am backing up some of my files to a cdr, there is an option stating "Compress files before backup"

What does this mean and should I click it or not?
Originally posted by moelarry
I am backing up some of my files to a cdr, there is an option stating "Compress files before backup"

What does this mean and should I click it or not?
that means it compresses the files before burning them to CD, which means it will take fewer CDRs to back up the same number of files, but it will take a bit of processing power to compress/uncompress the files. If you have a large amount of data that needs backed up, go ahead and check it, if it's all going to fit on a few CDRs anyway, leave it unchecked.

Note that if you compress the data, you'll have to uncompress it if you want to read anything. Not good if you're referencing back to it often, not a problem if you just keep a copy in your basement for backup purposes only.
Ok thanks I see, but also what does "use 8.3 file names for backup"

and "Verify data after backup"

I'm really wondering about this, I dont want to make a wrong choice and screw it up
Use 8.3 file name is to change the filename to a DOS/older Windows version compatible name, i.e. Mylongfilename.txt would become MYLONG~1.txt. You dont need this option for Windows 95 and up, as it'll truncate any filename over 8 characters. Verify data after backup is to have it read the CD after its burned to make sure that all the data is copied correctly, this option is good to have turned on.