In case you missed it... the Vista beta is closed again

I wouldn't be disappointed that you "missed it." Just wait for RC1. 5456.4 is showing that Vista is shaping up a lot better than that May Beta 2 CPP release.
That's what I've been reading. I used the earlier "betas" and alphas, didn't like it overall. I don't like the direction Microsoft is going in with Vista, really, but it's there product and I can only influence them so much. :)

At least they brought back the List view - for something that seems so basic to the functionality of an OS as being able to look at just the filenames themselves without GUI-interference and pretty 24 bit icons, it's amazing how much crap we (the testers) had to go through before Microsoft relented and put that one feature back in.

you can already get build 5456 from t0rr3nt website at blistering speeds
so if you already ahve the beta and have it activated you can get more betas?
MaXimus said:
you can already get build 5456 from t0rr3nt website at blistering speeds

I'm hesitant to say this since I'm not a Moderator or anything, but every time you say that about getting copyrighted software from a non-legal and non-authorized source (the beta program/customer preview is closed as this thread makes quite clear), it smacks of warez talk. I understand as well as anyone else (having been online since 1978) that not all torrents or torrent sites offer strictly illegal files and torrents, but you're specifically mentioning copyrighted software being acquired using BitTorrent software.

So do us and yourself a favor: tone it down a bit, please. I appreciate that yes, there are other sources for such things - we're talking about the Internet, yanno - but it might keep you alive around these parts just a wee bit longer.

Just my $.02...
MS should get a clue and distribute huge files like this over BT. It really is the ideal medium, regardless of how some people use it. Is there a way to (legally/officially) obtain the 5456 build for those that have a product key of Beta 2?
shadowwyvern said:
MS should get a clue and distribute huge files like this over BT. It really is the ideal medium, regardless of how some people use it. Is there a way to (legally/officially) obtain the 5456 build for those that have a product key of Beta 2?

I think you just answered your own question there, in some ways. :D There was an actual legal torrent for Beta 2 just after it was first released, sponsored by Microsoft through some website that I just can't remember the URL for right now.

But 5456 or whatever the interim build is that came out after Beta 2 wouldn't be legal to acquire by any means presently since it's not an official release from Microsoft to the customer preview program or even regular beta testers from what I can see. I could be wrong about that last part, however.

shadowwyvern said:
MS should get a clue and distribute huge files like this over BT. It really is the ideal medium, regardless of how some people use it. Is there a way to (legally/officially) obtain the 5456 build for those that have a product key of Beta 2?

Like Blizzard does! YEAH

It doesn't let you do anything different than XP and you end up using beta software. I've never understood why people are so eager to install this.
In the support community, we call 'em "beta boys" more or less. Gotta have the latest and supposedly greatest of anything. Same principle people have had for eons when it comes to the "Oooo..." factor. If it's cool, and you can get in heaps of trouble messing with it (meaning the legality involvement), people are on it like stink on... well, I think you can figure that out. :)

Beta testing is a legitimate process, however. But considering the sheer volume of people that are currently running Beta 2 because of the Consumer Preview program, and knowing that less than maybe 5% of that total amount will ever send in a bug report - they'll just bitch about the issues at forums like this one instead of communicating directly with Microsoft so said bugs actually get taken care of faster - I'm not surprised anymore.

Beta testers make YOUR experience better when the final product hits the market. Don't flame us. I dual boot XP Pro and Vista very nicely, other than gaming speed, I PREFER Vista. Vista on a fast machine is beautiful and functional. When NV and ATI get 3d drivers up to speed, it is going to be very nice.

I am running 5456 right now and damn, it does indeed run much better than the original BEta2 public version.

I am betting by the time it hits retail or RC1/2, it will be pretty polished and like I said, IF you have a pretty good machine (upper midrange to high end machine at this point) it will run as good as XP, with more features.

I have sent in at least 15 bug reports in the last 3 will indeed help us all in the end....
No offense, but:
br0adband said:
I understand as well as anyone else (having been online since 1978)
Unless you have been an employee of the military or technical staff at a major university, and I don't mean just some peon, there is no such thing as "been online since 1978." It's not that "online" was a hard thing to accomplish then, but there was simply no benefit to doing so unless you were specifically involved in a project that was distance-sharing information.

Forgive me for calling bullshit, but both that and inferring overly much about the legitimacy of beta testing software today is a little hard to swallow. Don't get me wrong: I have Vista and Off2007 running in a test environment for my own edification, and I have even reported bugs and sent other feedback. However, since the end of last decade, it has been so easy to get beta software that the "community" existence of people with beta software has become as watered down by a cacophony of babble as, well, tech forums like the [H]. This means that while at its core there is likely a group of helpful, insightful, and accommodating individuals, they are outnumbered about a hundred to one by those "beta boys" you mention in a later post-- people who just get something (through torrents or other p2p) to say they have it.

I commend you for contributing to the true meaning of beta testing. However, trying to drop phrases to imply authority that doesn't exist is not very helpful and tends to put others off. Beta testing to gain an understanding and provide feedback == cool; claiming you were "online since 1978" == not cool, and kinda lame. Take it from someone else who is well older than the median average age here, you're going to get a lot further by providing cogent and substantial content in your posts than you will by dropping dates, names, or similar phrases.

shadowwyvern said:
MS should get a clue and distribute huge files like this over BT. It really is the ideal medium, regardless of how some people use it.
And every time some new whiz-bang internet fad pops up, people say this same thing. A lot of changes had to come before it worked for Apple (iTunes), and it has yet to do work profitably for most other companies.

Bit Torrents are a horrible way to distribute on such a level, for one major reason: BT traffic clogs up routers because it's pretty much a directed stream of UDP packets. Filling the internet with a flood of UDP packets doesn't sound like the ideal distribution method for software to those of us who have numerous inter-branch connections that need QoS that BT screws with at our work sites. BITS traffic is bad enough, and at least that throttles depending on the network traffic (though not always optimally).

shadowwyvern said:
Is there a way to (legally/officially) obtain the 5456 build for those that have a product key of Beta 2?
Get an MSDN subscription.
Does anyone have an Vista serial they don't use, I just got back home to my broadband and was going to give Vista a whirl, you know, and they have closed it.
br0adband said:
I'm hesitant to say this since I'm not a Moderator or anything, but every time you say that about getting copyrighted software from a non-legal and non-authorized source (the beta program/customer preview is closed as this thread makes quite clear), it smacks of warez talk. I understand as well as anyone else (having been online since 1978) that not all torrents or torrent sites offer strictly illegal files and torrents, but you're specifically mentioning copyrighted software being acquired using BitTorrent software.

So do us and yourself a favor: tone it down a bit, please. I appreciate that yes, there are other sources for such things - we're talking about the Internet, yanno - but it might keep you alive around these parts just a wee bit longer.

Just my $.02...

It's free... Chill.