IE7Pro... just in case you don't know about it


Aug 4, 2006
Well, it's common knowledge around these parts that I recommend IE7Pro nowadays. For a long long time I was a diehard Avant Browser fan, and I still like it to some degree, but nowadays IE7Pro has overtaken Avant as my "browser of choice." Just like Avant, IE7Pro is an add-on that uses the core Internet Explorer technologies and 'adds on' to what they are capable of to make IE7 the browser it should have been in the first place.

Yes, IE7 has tabs now; it only took Microsoft what, close to 6 years to come to that conclusion and add them? Well, whatever. I'm not here to bash IE, but to praise IE7Pro. Just the other day they released IE7Pro v2.0 so I thought I'd mention it here for those that might not even be aware of it. Here are some of the things it adds to IE7:

Tabbed Browsing Management
Spell Check
Inline Search
Super Drag Drop
Crash Recovery
Proxy Switcher
Mouse Gesture
Tab History Browser
Web Accelerator
User Agent Switcher
Webpage Capturer
Greasemonkey-like User Scripts platform
User Plug-ins

and other various things including some that are simply must-haves to some people but alas, can't be discussed here at the [H]ardForum.

IE7Pro goes a long way to making IE7 the browser it can be, and here are a few things added to v2.0:

Added a MiniDM (Download Manager) FINALLY that works as well as if not better than the Download Manager in Firefox (at least in my testing so far)
Control+M to minimize IE7Pro to the Tray - one click to Restore (pretty neat I think)
64 bit support for Internet Explorer 64 bit! (just introduced in v2.0)
Option to make Google the default IE7 search engine (already done manually but a nice touch)

Only one way to learn more and that's to try it. I think it might surprise some of you open-minded folks looking for an alternative to what Firefox is becoming (slow/lethargic/memory leaks/etc) and Opera still just can't seem to get right (fill in the blanks here as required). The world runs on IE, to put it bluntly. Firefox has made a dent, sure, but... well... the choice lies with you.

And no, I don't work for 'em... I just think it's a kickass browser add-on and IE7 is working better than ever.
Damn, completely missed the d/l manager. I'll have to try it out when I get a bit more time.

IE7Pro is pretty frickin' sweet, especially for the price point.
It's a neat add on, but I think it causes some stability issues with IE. Plus on thing I've not figured out if someone here knows, IE7Pro prevents RealPlayer 11's flash video download plug in from working, Has any else seen this?
If you want a browser with a good download manager then Opera has the best of all of them.
remember to make sure it doesn't block HardOCP ads, but a very good addon,

The download manager is top notch too and apparently new cause last version I had didnt have this function, it works well and runs similar to programs like IDA, which i just uninstalled.
How do you let it open HardOCP ads? I've got big white boxes all over the page. I'm not sure which security settings to relax...
Tried IE7pro.. not impressed. Still the same ugly ie7 interface with 99% buttons hidden. Tried to download mysql 5.0 through http - failed.

Turns out ie7pro doesn't work if you try to download something and choose to 'open' it directly. What a waste of hd space that was. :rolleyes: