IE locks up on certain sites?

Dec 4, 2005
Well Im posting from my D630 as I havent had time to tear into my HP, and new desktop isnt here, still waiting on parts.

Lets get to the meat of the issue, IE8 Locks up on certain websites, and becomes unresponsive to the point where I have to use Task manager to close it. N C I X computer case page locks up (but if im quick I can pick ATX and its good), seems to lock up no matter what (trying to research TVs)

IE 8 (8.0.6001.18702)
Windows XP Pro 2002 32-bit SP3
Dell Latitude D630
PDF Creator Plug-in
Latest flash, shockwave, Reader, etc.
Still cant get onto certain sites. Tried, locks up. In task manager, a second IE shows up even though only one is open. Wonder if its a pop-up farking me, that never opens. IDK.
Just a precaution, but run through the malware removal thread here and see if anything substantial is discovered.
well completed a sb&d scan. a few things. nothing major. only had this laptop for a week or so. Just updated everything, and added Roclink for windows, and roclink 800. Nothing else. Have done some small browsing. So Idk. Still locks up on samsungs site.