IE has so many killers!

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Limp Gawd
Feb 27, 2003
Every website I goto has something that gets in MY IE and messes with it (seems like that anyways). When I goto a page that doesn't exist or IE is just made at me. it changes hte URL on me to some http://Search.Lycos BS. about:blank loads some porn site and there are a few toehr small things but those are the 2 main ones. I've tried Ad-Aware 6.0 but it doesnt remove them. Does anyoine have any idea's for me? Thanks.
Use Hijackthis, then use Spybot S & D's immunise function.

The simplest solution is simply get all your settings right though. I use IE, intil recently exclusively, yet I never ever have had a single piece of spyware, adware or malware installed.

Aside from not frequenting porn and warez sites or installing p2p apps, the only other steps I've had to take is keeping windows updated and making sure IE's security is set right.

I scan occassionally with adware and spybot, usually to show people the perfect log :)

Anyhow, the moral here is that once you get your current problem sorted out, set up your security properly and you'll never have the problem again.
Try Avant Browser (google for it). It uses the same rendering engine that IE does but has some extra functions, I don't quite know because I use Firefox :D
IE sucks. I had to use adaware and spybot a couple times a day to get rid of everything. I use firefox now and I have no problems anymore. Its SOOOOO much better than IE. No way I could ever go back.
Don't you love the way people are helping?

It's like going to a doctor and this happening...

"Doc, I've got a rash on my leg"

"Ooh... you wear nike t-shirts? Man, nike t-shirts suck ASS. You should wear Stussy t-shirts."

"Doc... my leg.. it hurts"

"You're wearing oakleys? They're like way over priced. Try wearing Jag sunglasses, they're much better and less GAY!"

As soon as anyone mentions 'browser' it's like *bam* "Omg use this one it makesur penis lik 10 times bigger" "omg u fag use this one" "no omg u r teh fag use this one" "no lik omg u r teh bigger fag use THIS one"...
No, it's not like that Vinnie. We are honestly trying to help. We don't think you should have to run five programs to get rid of the crap that gets installed in IE. We don't think you should have to limit the sites you visit out of fear that you might get hijacked. If a person is constantly having problems with IE, then why should he continue running it? Suggesting that a person use a different browser is a completely legitimate answer. I'm not about to come in here and say, "I've never had a problem with IE so you are obviously doing something wrong. Download all these programs to fix IE." How about instead of downloading a bunch of shit to fix IE, you just download a better browser instead?
Vinnie, it's more like:

"Doc, I don't feel so good."

"Seems the test confirms you have diabetes, just like the last test, and the test before that. Remember?"

"But I can continue stuffing my face with sugar, right?"

"Umm.. no. That's the problem, you _can't_. Not if you want to be healthy."

"Whatever. I like it, so I'll do it anyway no matter what my masters say."

See? If you're going to use metaphor, get it right.
Originally posted by eloj
Vinnie, it's more like:

See? If you're going to use metaphor get it right.

If you're going to try and correct me, learn some basic English then give it a shot :)

All you folks whinning doesn't actually help the person with their problem. If they wanted to change browser, then they would. They don't, they have a fixable problem with their current browser.

If you can't help then stfu and get out of the thread.
Vinnie, we can tell you are out of arguments when you start nitpicking him on his typos. We are not whining. We were trying to make suggestions just like you were. The only difference is that we were making suggestions that we thought would help him, rather than just suggesting bandages to get a bit of extra life out of IE. We are not here to bash IE and we are not trying to start a holy browser war. We are simply saying that if a person does not want to fuck with all the problems associated with IE, then there are alternatives. He asked if we had any ideas, and we responded by suggesting that he use a different browser. You, on the other hand, are not helping by essentially calling our suggestions off-topic and worthless.
Originally posted by jpmkm
Vinnie, we can tell you are out of arguments when you start nitpicking him on his typos. We are not whining. We were trying to make suggestions just like you were. The only difference is that we were making suggestions that we thought would help him, rather than just suggesting bandages to get a bit of extra life out of IE. We are not here to bash IE and we are not trying to start a holy browser war. We are simply saying that if a person does not want to fuck with all the problems associated with IE, then there are alternatives. He asked if we had any ideas, and we responded by suggesting that he use a different browser. You, on the other hand, are not helping by essentially calling our suggestions off-topic and worthless.

Lollerberries... I see one post in this thread actually of any relevance or help and as sure as bears defaecate in the woods, it's mine.

If everytime anyone anywhere asked for help with anything, they were told to go and get a different item, then we'd have... [H] forums? Well, it sure wouldn't be good would it?

So, instead of waffling away about how your browser makes your penis look bigger than everyone elses, if you're not going to actually help the original poster, why are you in this thread? I'm waiting for him to reply, possibly with a hijackthis log so I can help, what are you doing?
Why do you keep arguing with me? How many times do I have to say it: we were offering SUGGESTIONS. Just because the suggestions were to use something else does not invalidate them. Quit being so full of yourself. Your solution involves downloading and running three third-party programs and restricting what sites you visit. The fact that you even need third-party programs in order to keep your browser from taking over your entire operating systems says a lot about the quality of the browser.

Your suggestion is certainly a valid suggestion. However, so was everyone else's. Let the original poster decide what he wants to do. Do not start degrading other's suggestions simply because you do not agree with them. This is [H]ard|forums, not [V]innie|forums, so stop thinking your solution is the only valid solution. Throw your solution in with the rest of them and let the original poster decide which one to use.
Originally posted by jpmkm
Why do you keep arguing with me? How many times do I have to say it: we were offering SUGGESTIONS. Just because the suggestions were to use something else does not invalidate them. Quit being so full of yourself. Your solution involves downloading and running three third-party programs and restricting what sites you visit. The fact that you even need third-party programs in order to keep your browser from taking over your entire operating systems says a lot about the quality of the browser.

Your suggestion is certainly a valid suggestion. However, so was everyone else's. Let the original poster decide what he wants to do. Do not start degrading other's suggestions simply because you do not agree with them. This is [H]ard|forums, not [V]innie|forums, so stop thinking your solution is the only valid solution. Throw your solution in with the rest of them and let the original poster decide which one to use.

Skimmed, didn't see anything mentioning IE still. Curious why you're bothering really, no one cares :)
Well, i killed my computer trying to fix it lol. It takes forever to boot up and I cant connect to any IM services or goto any webpages. I can use the internet connection on any other computer on the network though (that computer is my main internet connection) Any help on this one?>
Originally posted by XBLiNKX
IE sucks. I had to use adaware and spybot a couple times a day to get rid of everything. I use firefox now and I have no problems anymore. Its SOOOOO much better than IE. No way I could ever go back.
Originally posted by vinnie
If you're going to try and correct me, learn some basic English then give it a shot :)

All you folks whinning [SIC] doesn't actually help the person with their problem. If they wanted to change browser, then they would. They don't, they have a fixable problem with their current browser.
If you can't help then stfu and get out of the thread.

You also have a few syntax and punctuation errors, but we aren't that picky.
We are trying to help by enlightening the gentleman. He uses IE. However, some cannot be enlightened, and that's why spyware and virus writers exist. One virus writer commented that people get these problems because they deserve them. While I don't agree that they do, I can relate to the mentality that brings the idea about. If a product is inherently unsafe, and one continues to use the product, it will eventually take its toll. Internet Explorer is such a product in the eyes of an increasing number of informed people. Not everyone agrees, as you are aware.

I'm not trying to insult you, but "stfu" insults everyone. Was it really necessary to write that when making your point?
Originally posted by mosin
I really need to learn to stfu

Oh gnoes? I made a typo? Shiver me timbers and blow me down, better jump all over me before I make another one!

There's a little bit of a difference between accidentally pressing a key twice and attacking someone when you can't tell the difference between a metaphor and similie. We all make mistakes, not everyone is an idiot though :)

Anyhow, the moral of the story is that none of you clowns want to actually help the thread poster. Instead, you all seem to want to attack anyone who doesn't try and insist IE is purely for homosexuals.

Don't know if you wrote anything worth reading, experience indicates anyone who bothers to whinge about a single typo is rarely worth the effort.

Go and play with your browser now, there's a good boy :)
We didn't flame you, so why are you flaming us?
That isn't why we are here. If you disagree, that's ok, but flames aren't necessary to make a point.
Jesus fucking christ, vinnie. Why can you not get it through your thick skull that suggesting an alternative browser IS an attempt to help the thread starter? How many times do I have to say that? I do not understand why that is so hard for you to comprehend. We are not attacking anybody. Nobody said IE is for homosexuals. If you will not even read the posts of people who reply to you then why do you even bother to reply? How can you possibly contribute to the thread if you do not even read what you are responding to? Please, just let it die. Stop belittling people. Stop telling us to not post suggestions. Actually, just stop posting in this thread.
Originally posted by vinnie

Anyhow, the moral of the story is that none of you clowns want to actually help the thread poster. Instead, you all seem to want to attack anyone who doesn't try and insist IE is purely for homosexuals.
I don't remember anyone saying anything remotely close to what you just did so please stop with the thread crapping and flaming and maybe this guy could get an answer to his question.
For Gods sake I don't see why some people turn every question about browsers into a religious war. For some people IE sucks and for others it's good enough, we all have a choice on what we, as individuals, want to use. :rolleyes:
Lets leave it at that and try and help the guy. <sheesh>
>We didn't flame you, so why are you flaming us?

Because he can't make a positive argument for IE, so he must attack the person making the counter-argument instead of the argument itself. It's of course extra laugable when attacking something as peripheral to the discussion as someones spelling, especially when done by someone who isn't a bit better himself!

When the same person starts rationalizing his behaviour with arguments that would make any six-year-old blush -- such as outright strawmen (since when is sexual preference relevant to this discussion and why was that brought up?) my troll-o-meter starts buzzing.

>but flames aren't necessary to make a point.

He's got no point. Every single day we have someone complaining about IE. "IE is slow!" "IE redirects!" "IE crashes!". A good argument could be made that these people should have read the board a little before posting, and they would have seen the standard "run AdAware/SpyWareWhatever and then change Whatever Settings"-answers.

"Use a better product" is a valid argument and a solution that, when implemented, benefits everyone. If people ask general advice here they should be prepared to hear it too.

Don't like it? Be a grown up and argue the merits.

Solutions for everyone!
The guy wanted help with IE. Not a bunch of clowns waffling on about how their penis is bigger than everyone elses because they use an alternative browser.

So, if you want to laud the benifits of an alternative browser, go and start a thread about it. If you want to help the person using IE with a problem with their IE, then this is the thread to do it.

It amazes every time there's someone with a problem with IE. For a browser that nearly every single person in the world uses, the small minority that don't sure make a lot of racket.

I suppose that's the way with most minority groups though :) Cary on ladies.
God damn it Vinnie! Why the hell are you still flaming?
Either help the guy or shut the hell up. :rolleyes:

I have yet to see anything useful in the last several times you posted- just a bunch ****.
Originally posted by vinnie
As soon as anyone mentions 'browser' it's like *bam* "Omg use this one it makesur penis lik 10 times bigger" "omg u fag use this one" "no omg u r teh fag use this one" "no lik omg u r teh bigger fag use THIS one"...

excessive profanity, rampant homophobia and by implication forum wide insults
If you can't help then stfu and get out of the thread.

stfu is never acceptable in this forum

Oh gnoes? I made a typo? Shiver me timbers and blow me down, better jump all over me before I make another one!
not everyone is an idiot though :)

Anyhow, the moral of the story is that none of you clowns want to actually help the thread poster. Instead, you all seem to want to attack anyone who doesn't try and insist IE is purely for homosexuals.

Don't know if you wrote anything worth reading, experience indicates anyone who bothers to whinge about a single typo is rarely worth the effort.

Go and play with your browser now, there's a good boy :)

The guy wanted help with IE. Not a bunch of clowns waffling on about how their penis is bigger than everyone elses because they use an alternative browser.

So, if you want to laud the benifits of an alternative browser, go and start a thread about it. If you want to help the person using IE with a problem with their IE, then this is the thread to do it.

It amazes every time there's someone with a problem with IE. For a browser that nearly every single person in the world uses, the small minority that don't sure make a lot of racket.

I suppose that's the way with most minority groups though :) Cary on ladies.

While you where carrying on, the original poster was asking for assistance. Which because you had your steam up, you missed. In effect you started a one sided flamewar, and hijacked the topic into a diatribe regarding any recommendation of alternative browsers.

A valid recommendation I might add
as the most popular browser on the net, IE is the primary target of exploits, and Windows Script Hosting, ActiveX ect, arent exactly known for their security, suggesting that the solution is simple configuration and dont visit those sites, is naive
And several exploits have gone unpatched for months (or longer)

Your insulting tone to the forum in general, and to anyone that didnt agree with your assesment, will not be tolerated.
This little incident is under review.

Originally posted by Carp
Well, i killed my computer trying to fix it lol. It takes forever to boot up and I cant connect to any IM services or goto any webpages. I can use the internet connection on any other computer on the network though (that computer is my main internet connection) Any help on this one?>

Carp, while not as secure as some of the other recommendations for browsers (security through obscurity), IE can be made considerably more secure.

some general suggestions
make sure you have the latest patches for both the OS and IE
either disable WSH (Windows Script Hosting) or install some
Execution Protection\Patches
HTAstop (freeware)
DSOstop (freeware)
WSH Anti-Polymorphism Patch (freeware)
AnalogX Script Defender (freeware)
consider disabling activeX
also use Spybot Search & Destroy's innoculate feature
conduct regular scans, consider an advanced security regimen

Understand and Maintain Security with Internet Explorer

regarding the above problem, please start another thread and PM me the link to it ;)
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