IceWind's "Case rampage"


Mar 8, 2004
Funny how things change over time. What you used to treasure, love, and admire, especially something you dedicated time, resources and money into. Yet after a short period of time, you move on, you want something bigger and better and before you know it, your left with former memories of something that no longer holds much value.

Much can be said with my past case projects "Ice Chamber II" my first water cooled case back in the summer of 2002 and "Blue Fantasy 1" one of my best painting job and first interior painted case projects.

As much time and enjoyment I got out of these cases, im in the process of a new project now and these are just taking up to much space in my garage. Lately i've had alot of pent up fustrations and anger and seeings how it was the last day before another drudge week of work, I felt it was time to have a little fun....

Ah yeah, these were the good old days....

Take a good look, cause there as good looking as there gonna get

Say ello to my little fwiend!!!!

After scaring half the neighboorhood up with my insanity, this is the end result.... not pretty

Needless to say, steel doen't hold up well against a 5 pound hammer of death..

Amazingly, the case support strut brar broke off and rivets popped all over the place from the sudden impact and pressure.

Plastic don't hold up well with Mr. Sledge. Peices flew all over the place.

So much for unbreakable lexan windows.

"Blue Fantasy 1" sure wasn't looking good. The entire ATX paneling and lower tray blew off like a bomb.


Far as im concerned, itwas a fitting end some to some of the funnest cases to play and learn with and plus, I started the week off right with some anger managment venting! [cool]
A lot of good that did. You didn't even rip out the wires for use in a custom case in the future.

dont mean to correct you .. but lexan windows? i think they are plexi glass.. but anyways.. hope you make something thats not pounded by a 10 pound sledge hammer
IceWind said:
Some people spend money on therapists, I smash shit with a hammer :D
I'd say you definitely have some anger (rage?) management issues to deal with.

Am I the only person who is incapable of violently destroying things in such a manner? Or is it a guy-thing I'm unaware of? :eek:
I think I would like to do something like that as well sometime... however, all my cases have either a system in them, or a system waiting to go in them. =/

Therapists are for sissies.

Awesome pics!

If I can round up a digicam, I'll post some pics next weekend (warm weather yay!) of the result of some hardware vs. a .357, .45, .38, and 7.62 Tok :)
TheAcorn said:
If I can round up a digicam, I'll post some pics next weekend (warm weather yay!) of the result of some hardware vs. a .357, .45, .38, and 7.62 Tok :)
Um...methinks you ought to wait until you round it up. Let the carnage revolve around the possession of a camera.

Elledan said:
I'd say you definitely have some anger (rage?) management issues to deal with.

Am I the only person who is incapable of violently destroying things in such a manner? Or is it a guy-thing I'm unaware of? :eek:
Heaven forbid he unwind in a manner that doesn't involve going postal and making it on the 6 o'clock news...

I'd rather have him bash a case or two, than sit on a water tower!

Sir, next time you need a sledgehammer, I have a 15 pounder and a section of concrete in my yard that needs to go.

I'll even buy you beer and pizza!
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! You bastard!!!!! :( I still have that case.......... *wishes their was a 'cry' smiley*

Am I the only person who is incapable of violently destroying things in such a manner? Or is it a guy-thing I'm unaware of?
It is a guy thing, but usually more pronounced in youths between 12-16. Some guy's never grow out of it however.
What a completely useless and pointless thread...and yet totally enjoyable at the same time. Lets hear it for carnal indulgence. :D
Actually, this thread should be renamed to fit in with the rest, perhaps "Should I buy this case?" or "How can I drop my case temps?" Lol.
why would you do this... seems like kind of a waste.. shoulda tried to sell them : /
My excuse was that I was getting even with the case for making me put up with it's god-aweful Dell design for 3 years. *hugs his Lian-Li* I'm not quite sure what this guy's reason was though.
Apallohadas said:
Heaven forbid he unwind in a manner that doesn't involve going postal and making it on the 6 o'clock news...

I'd rather have him bash a case or two, than sit on a water tower!

Sir, next time you need a sledgehammer, I have a 15 pounder and a section of concrete in my yard that needs to go.

I'll even buy you beer and pizza!

Word up!
Now you should glue the pieces back together into your next mod aptly names "Cracked"
Heh. Normally I'd be like, "Damn, man, you have too much time on your hands."

But good eye! That was sweet.
DarkMonkey said:
My excuse was that I was getting even with the case for making me put up with it's god-aweful Dell design for 3 years. *hugs his Lian-Li* I'm not quite sure what this guy's reason was though.
lol :p
I have a few friends that would have loved a couple of cases that nice.
I don't like you. Those cases are worth a lot. Maybe not you because you think you're so rich or something but I can't imagine breaking something that has valuable uses for later. I bet you didn't show that to your friends because they would've given you the same stupid look as I'm giving you now. Which really makes me wonder about you...

I would've bought it off of you for some cash but apparently you have some "anger management problem" and rather show it off on the forum. That's something I keep wondering-- why did you even bother posting it on a forum? "Look guys, I'm so cool. I beat up my two cases. What do you think?" If you did want to vent, do it on your personal time. Or at least spare the case's lives and go in General Mayhem and share with us your stories that are bogging you down. We are here for you. At least next time, think smart, not foolish. But who am I to say whether you are one or not...

But you know what? That's a worthy half-life picture there... </rant>

Carry on.

Good job threadcrappers.

You guys have proven that it really IS easy to be an asshole on 'teh intarweb!' :rolleyes:
GeForceX said:
I don't like you. Those cases are worth a lot. Maybe not you because you think you're so rich or something but I can't imagine breaking something that has valuable uses for later. I bet you didn't show that to your friends because they would've given you the same stupid look as I'm giving you now. Which really makes me wonder about you...

I would've bought it off of you for some cash but apparently you have some "anger management problem" and rather show it off on the forum. That's something I keep wondering-- why did you even bother posting it on a forum? "Look guys, I'm so cool. I beat up my two cases. What do you think?" If you did want to vent, do it on your personal time. Or at least spare the case's lives and go in General Mayhem and share with us your stories that are bogging you down. We are here for you. At least next time, think smart, not foolish. But who am I to say whether you are one or not...

But you know what? That's a worthy half-life picture there... </rant>

Carry on.

Get the fuck over it. :rolleyes: You sound to be more likely the angry one.
lol those are antec server cases they go for like 40 bucks geforce x is just jealous cuase he is poor
get a job at wallmart work 10 hours and buy a case
Friendlypirate80 said:
lol those are antec server caes they go for like 40 bucks geforce x is just jealous cuase he is poor get a job at wallmakr work 10 hours and buy a case
Poor or not, I just don't understand why he's so upset over someone elses escapade that is causing him no harm. He seems like one of those cats the visciously write hate mail to Paramount to bring Star Trek back on the air. Just complaining for the sake of complaining.
personally, i find this thing quite amusing. however, i don't know if i could do it... i have too much use for a case to ruin one like this:p

not that i haven't contemplated taking a hatchet to my computer sometimes... but i haven't actually done it. yet.

<_< >_> <_< >_>
lol ;)

I'm not angry. Just disappointed. I come from a long line of family generations where we were taught to keep things that still have good use. We emphasize on using things over and over and we try to reduce waste. So of course I'm naturally upset over what you did.

But that's the european's way of thinking. I guess Americans are just that, wasteful. But :eek:, isn't that true!? For the most part anyway. :D

I got no hate on you. And yes I'm jealous I can't afford a $40 dollars case even though I have somewhere near $12,000 in my bank account-- almosttt there to get my new Mini Cooper. :p

rogue_jedi said:
personally, i find this thing quite amusing. however, i don't know if i could do it... i have too much use for a case to ruin one like this:p

Same way how I feel. :) But I can't reason myself to even beat up a case. There's no way I could even do that. A case is just either steel/plastic/aluminum and that's that. I rather do something manly and go in a real destruction derby racetrack with a rusted car. That would be hot.

GeForceX said:
lol ;)

...But that's the european's way of thinking. I guess Americans are just that, wasteful. But :eek:, isn't that true!? For the most part anyway. :D

Ill agree with you on that. Someday well realize it... hopefully!
Why not donate those cases to someone or sell them then donate the money to charities? Such a waste.