ic7-g problem, possibly


Feb 15, 2005
first post for over a year and its a problem :(
The bios missreports the amount of ram

The problem started this morning when i left to goto uni my computer crashed, with the hard disk light on. no biggie i thought so i resset it. when it started up again it displayed 384meg of ram instead of 1gig. The second problem was that the second display on the 9800 could not start due to lack of resources, thought i would fix the ram problem first so i took both sticks out and back in again this time it booted with 1gig of ram and to top that the second display worked. but after about 10 minutes the computer crashed again, again with the hard disk light on. when it started again it displayed 384meg ram, and now i cant seem to get it to display 1gig of ram. and to top that windows will not start anymore. i know the ram works and it works with one stick of ram (apart from windows not starting anymore) just off to try both sticks in none duel channel mode. anyone have any suggestions? i dont really have alot of time to play with it atm as i need to have the gui programmed for my honours project for friday :eek:


abit ic7-g
p4 2.4b
2x 512 pc3200 curcial
saphire radeon 9800 pro
SB audigy
advansys SCSI card
Hauppage winTV go!

ps. i've reset the bios and updated it.
So, according to your attached pic, it's not your BIOS that is reporting only 384MB, but it's Windows? So, apparently the problem is within Windows. The obvious is anti-virus and anti-spyware scans, which I hope you have done and maintain. Other than that, try a System Restor.
the bios displays it as 384meg as well. i fixed the problem but i have no idea how i did it windows starts again and reads all of the ram. bizzare :/