i386 message when installing windows...


Apr 21, 2006
hey guys, ive got a question for you all. im building a computer for a friend, all new parts. the building of the PC went fine, computer booted up on first try.

i bought the windows xp sp2 oem software from newegg like i have for my past two computers. however, when i went to install windows, after it installed the drivers and rebooted, it gave me an error saying something to the effect of " it couldnt find a specific file in the i386 folder." i canceled the searching for the file (happened twice) and i continued on. now when i go in windows, there is no internet explorer icon (and quicklaunch bar, for that matter) and i have a feeling i missed something else. did i not get the right version of windows? i am thinking of trying to reinstall windows again and see if it fixes it. any help would be greatly appreciated, i cant think of anything i missed.
Where is the IE icon missing from? .....Usually on a fresh install of Windows XP the only thing that is on the desktop is the Recyle Bin.
you are correct. so when i right-clicked on the taskbar, went to "show quicklaunch bar" or something like that, it gave me some sort of error telling me it couldnt. i couldnt find IE in the start menu, and when i brought up the network connections window, there was nothing in it. im assuming this is because windows couldnt find the i386 folder when i installed windows, for whatever reason.

i guess my questions now are this:
1) do you guys think i can repair windows to fix these problems?
2) i got the right windows disc, correct? this is the same one ive bought for my two other computers, and ive had no problem whatsoever with either of them.

any more help is greatly appreciated.