I think they are doing the MW2 boycott wrong!

Ha, the whole thing is stupid, do boycotts every get anywhere? Unless they are with PETA hot women naked in cages?
I'm shocked and appalled to discover that angry people on the internet are actually spineless wenches who do not possess the moral fiber to stand by their word.
Naw, but I was hoping one of you remembered a quote with 402 saying something bad about PC gamers in response to the boycott. I remember is stirring a hornets nest and even I took a bit of offense to it, but don't remember the quote, just something about gamers being weak willed.
I'm shocked and appalled to discover that angry people on the internet are actually spineless wenches who do not possess the moral fiber to stand by their word.

Who would of guessed???.....
Yeah a lot of gamers are just bitches and the corporations know that. I bet they actually got more sales from this "boycott"... This also explains why Americans are so fat, no self control.

PS: I didn't buy the game, and I am not over weight... Connection, I think so;)
Yeah a lot of gamers are just bitches and the corporations know that. I bet they actually got more sales from this "boycott"... This also explains why Americans are so fat, no self control.

PS: I didn't buy the game, and I am not over weight... Connection, I think so;)

hmm i didnt buy it either and... yep, im not fat

Still sticking to boycott. Sad to see that a couple of us caved in and now console players are calling us spineless because of that.
i dont really get involved in "boycotts" because i know most people will cave in and buy the stupid game anyway.

i wont buy it because i think its not worth $60, thats it and thats all.
Well, MW2 isn't a game I'm gonna be buying anyway. But I would have to agree that if game lacks a feature that is important to an individual player, then simply don't buy it if it is that important.

I boycotted X3: Reunion because it had StarForce copy protection. I did not buy the game until Egosoft (the publisher) released a patch that removed StarForce. Guess I'm paranoid...
Someone should correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you add the .exe of a pirate copy to Steam (Since it can act as just a client to launch programs)? Maybe its just me hoping they're playing illegal copies :p.
I didn't buy it, and I am not part of that boycott.


Too busy/broke between borderlands, dragon age, and preorders. Also I never played the first Modern Warfare.

Yeeeaaaah, this isn't going to help ANY PC gamer's image at all. The silver lining is that those in the picture actually purchased their copies instead of pirating. Well its a silver lining depending on how you're willing to approach this.

Someone needs to make an inspirational poster with this picture, the quote "Your doing it wrong!"

As a subtext someone needs to find the 402 quote about gamers being weak willed.
My own creation:
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Well I am sticking to my boycott decision. I have installed cod4 again, borderlands, and now BF2. I could care less about wasting 60 bucks. Now, if it drops to 19.99 on steam one weekend, I may pick it up.
I'm going to boycott your game... what's that? You expect to sell 11 million copies in one week? Well... er....
I'm fat and didn't buy it

that proves the disingenuous connection is a red herring!!!!
I'm not buying it. I never enjoyed the MP in CoD. And I can say that I always liked the single player. But it's the principal of the matter. I won't buy it because so many people want these issues corrected, as do I for future games.

Maybe when it hits the 20 bin or IW fixes their mistakes, until then pass.
Well I am sticking to my boycott decision. I have installed cod4 again, borderlands, and now BF2. I could care less about wasting 60 bucks. Now, if it drops to 19.99 on steam one weekend, I may pick it up.

Yup. I am playing the Witcher and COD2 multiplayer. Not interested in this console, kiddie shooter anyway. Bring on BC2 and SOMETIME SOON GUYS BF3.

Now if the BF series goes away from a dedicated server? Well, yeah that will not work well.
BC2 is having dedicated servers, but you have to buy your server from one of their "partners"

they will still make money from having dedicated servers.
I admit my resolve weakened a bit when the first user reports started rolling in here (and as a result I am curious about its replayability due to its length), but I haven't bought MW2 and still don't plan to. For once I'm glad for my rather massive game backlog...
Boycotting games is useless. Many eventually give in. The L4D2 boycott will be an ever bigger failure.
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And is anyone certain that they actually bought the game? Is there no way to pirate it and have steam still show you playing, sort of like Xfire? I dunno...
Nice Xbox. I think it'd be a little better if there was some kinda outline around the people playing MW2. Just something to emphasize easily at first glance how many of those people are playing it. my .02cents.
Has anyone considered the possibility that fanboys that bought the game joined the group to basically troll it? I mean, these boycott groups are usually public groups, right?
Nice Xbox. I think it'd be a little better if there was some kinda outline around the people playing MW2. Just something to emphasize easily at first glance how many of those people are playing it. my .02cents.
I fixed it.
You would think that those in the group that bought the game would at least leave the group.