I need suggestions for segmented home network


Sep 12, 2002
Currently I am running a P3-500MHz computer with 192MB of RAM as an IPCop Firewall.

Works great! My current setup has 3 NICs in the IPCop box, Cable internet coming in, then routed through two separate routers one wireless, (open and free to neighbors/passerby) and the other is to a wired switch from which I run my home network with several PCs on this segment of the network.

So far I have enjoyed the stability of the IPCop solution, reboots for security updates and physical moves only so far.

The suggestion I am looking for is something that is not a PC Engines WRAP or Soekris board, but something very similar, yet cheaper and includes 3 NICs or 2 NICs and a wireless card, is capable of serving DHCP and also has some sort of console or web based interface.

I don't want to run daisy-chained routers, that's free but does not have the capabilities (or 95% uptime) that I require.

Is there any available solution from eBay such as cheap Cisco routers or similar which would provide the needed features that I have now?


Mikrotik Routerboard 500.

Not much cheaper tho, still requires you get the mini PCI wireless cards as well.

DD-WRT is going to start selling an upgradable AP similar to the RB500, dunno exactly when.