i need help reformating my windows 2k

Aug 14, 2003
first, i wasnt sure where this would go, so if the mods could please move this to the correct thread, it would be greatly appreciated.

i have windows 2k and i need to know how i reformat my hard drive and then installing windows 2k again.(step by step) (but im pretty sure that windows installation is pretty easy to follow, so just step by step up to when i put the disk in would be greatly appreciated)

im a noob at this,thx all :)
i booted my comp up with the windows disk in it and i got this on the, black whatever, begining screen;

"BIOS ROM checksum error
Detecting floppy drive A media...

i hit enter and it just says "INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" again.

Sounds like you bios is screwy, try checking the settings and saving changes again, make sure that if it uses a battern that its not dead.

As far as formatting your drive when you install windows its simple. Just note that doing this meting you will loos 7~8 megs of space (If someone tells me why windows does this and continues to do this I will kiss you).

When installing windows from the text setup you will get to a point where you select where windows is going to be installed. At that point you have several options. If windows is the only thing thats going to be on that drive (IE: No seperate partitions for games etc etc) Then select the drive/partition where windows is going to be and hit the D key, it will tell you that you are deleting the partition and make you hit L (or is it enter then L) and delete the partiton, then from there you will be taken to the selection screen to install windows in a location. Select unpartition space, hit enter and watch it go!

If you are going to creat partiton you can do it now as well, hit C instead of enter after you get to the selection screen for the second time and enter the size in MB that you would like the first partiton, repeat if you like until you are happy or just create the one that windows will be on and the rest later.
monster.under.thebed said:
i booted my comp up with the windows disk in it and i got this on the, black whatever, begining screen;

"BIOS ROM checksum error
Detecting floppy drive A media...

i hit enter and it just says "INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" again.


1. Make sure in your bios that the first boot device is your CD drive.
2. Reboot with win2k cd in drive hit any key to boot off CD
3. Follow step by step instructions
4. -------
5. Profit
No offense meant by this, but if you actually need to create a thread to ask how to reformat and install 2000, it's a clear sign that you should have a friend or co-worker stand by you to walk you through it the first time.
ok, i made the cd drive the first thing to be booted, the floppy the third. even with the windows disk not in it it still gives me the same problem.....

("BIOS ROM checksum error
Detecting floppy drive A media...

i hit enter and it just says "INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER")

could i just buy a new hard drive, (and maybe even a new cd drive for s&g's) so i could start over on a "fresh" computer? or could it be a hardware problem?