I need a good 975x board


Feb 20, 2007
I've been told that since I'm only going to use a single EN8800GTX I should get a 975x mobo, but when I looked at some benchmarks it looks like the 680i chipset beats it in almost every category. Right now, I have the Striker picked out, but it's not too late to change. Would a BadAxe 2 be a better choice? Here's my future system:

E6600 OC'd
2gb RAM Buffalo Firestix (possible OC)
320gb HDD
800watt Antec PSU
I <3 my bad axe 2. OCed my e6600 to 3.2 no sweat, and I havent even pushed it yet. And with all the problems I've been seeing/hearing with the 680i chipset it seems like a big headache. So I can easily recommend the bad axe 2.
I considered a 680i board for a while, but ended up going with a bad axe 2 as well because of all the problems people were having. At the time of my purchase Bad Axe 2 was much better for quad core, but since then the 680i problems have been corrected. At this time, you can't really go wrong with either, but I've always found intel chip/chipset combos to be the easiest most reliable setup.
I'm going with a Bad Axe 2 as well but where in the heck did you guys buy them from? I didn't want to buy from microcenter and tankguys.biz no longer have the deal. Looks like I'm SOL.
I got mine at microcenter, it's only 199 there, which is still a pretty good deal considering it's Intels top of the line board.
Oh.. Well, what are so special about the sata cables that the retail box comes with? Damn, I guess if I knew this earlier, I would've bought the oem when it was for 172$. I thought oem just came with...nothing. lol..

BTW devil is the g. skill ram you are using HZ? Geh, I'm sorry OP for all this derailing.
I have a Abit AW9D-Max mobo that i think is the BEST Has lots of cool features, like the uGuru OC utility (w/and optional monito) on board post LCD, blue programmable LED lights on the underside of the board that make everything glow (Can be turned off, on, or set to a pattern.) TONS of features, and a great overclocker that is amazingly stable.

And - I am looking to sell it - I need a nvidia board so I can run sli (the AW9D-Max does crossfire, 2x16 PCI-E lanes also!)

PM me if youd want to buy it.
Oh.. Well, what are so special about the sata cables that the retail box comes with? Damn, I guess if I knew this earlier, I would've bought the oem when it was for 172$. I thought oem just came with...nothing. lol..

BTW devil is the g. skill ram you are using HZ? Geh, I'm sorry OP for all this derailing.

The sata cables that come with the retail version are like clearish blue, I think thats it, lol, and the OEM ones are regular red.

And yes they are HZ's, found here.
Wow. As for the ram, did you have any problems with it? Tell me your experience with them. ..Or maybe we should take this to pm?
The pictures show that the extra 2-port USB header is also not included with the OEM version?


The sata cables that come with the retail version are like clearish blue, I think thats it, lol, and the OEM ones are regular red.

And yes they are HZ's, found here.
Wat about the ASUS P5W DH Deluxe?

I have both boards and its hard to say which is better. The BadAx2 is crazy stable but since I've switched to Xp64 my P5W DH has been flawless.

I don't think you can go wrong with either board, I would look at the extras that come with the P5W DH if you can use them then consider it. The remote works great for me and the EZ raid is the easiest raid set up ever.

Just something for you to consider