I love my Blackberry Storm!


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004
Let's get this out of the way right off the bat. VZW has arguably the best coverage, call quality, and reliability. I've had T-Mobile and ATT in small cities and big cities. And while they do MUCH better here in Phoenix, than in podunk Indiana, they still suffer when either:

a. I visit small towns
b. call quality
c. dropped calls

For the longest time I've suffered with shitty phone after crappy phone on big red. From the razr and it's keyboard created by the very devil himself to the Env and it's incredible limitations due to the HORRIBLE BREW software. DIE!

To keep me further pinned under VZW's reign, my entire family uses them. Although w/ the fab 5 or whatever other plans out on the alternative companies, that's less of an issue.

So I'm stuck w/ VZW. First up, the Curve. The software SCREAMS 1988 and I just don't like rolling, and rolling, and rolling that ball all over the place. To make matters worse, the browser's an exercise in frustration. I tried the Env2, but it made calls in my pocket and reading contacts 1 by 1 on the front screen's pretty much a fail. Then came the Dare. This phone really does a wonderful job when compared to the other "dumbphones" I've used. The browser can be tolerated, the camera's GREAT, and the touchscreen...oh damn it to hell, why must I PRESS a screen to swipe up and down!?!?! Further feature hunting led to more disappointment in the way of limits of the software. It's a great alternative, but just left me wanting more.

Enter the Storm. OMG, the store display on release day made me want to kill people. "Hello mr. phone, I've turned you sideways...please move now...thank you." And oh, it would move, but it paused. It paused EVERYWHERE. Total failure of a device.

Then about a month or two later news of a newer more solid firmware came about. I went back into the VZW store to test again. Hmmm...maybe I'll take this home, play with it, and then decide whether or not to invest in BB's first attempt at stealing the iphones thunder.

Home it is. Oh god, why oh why does everyone still suffer along with .75? .103 has DRAMATICALLY increased the usability of this phone. Everything from the accelerometer to the camera to the keyboard, to the browser have been improved or sped up. They've added a portrait QWERTY keyboard to make things a bit easier when typing short replies or entering data fields. Leaving the browser running along with some other apps will not slow this thing to a crawl any longer. 11MB free for apps to 43MB free's a pretty massive improvement.

If the firmware continues to improve at the current rate, this phone WILL deliver for those of us that want a phone/organizer/email FIRST, web/media/camera second.

I'm going to eat some food now, but go ahead and get me riled up. I'm more than willing to fight off iPhone users, though I've not yet tried a G1 extensively enough to compare that.


Did you download the new version of Google Maps? 3.0.2? It now supports the onboard satellite-based GPS as well as the old triangulation... it's now accurate down to 5-10m :D

Edit: And the .103 leak rocks, i'm also using the Appleberry theme which seems to perform snappier than the stock one (and looks better, if you're into the Mac OS X look)
How do you like typing on the Storm? I recently purchased the Omnia and I hate typing on it.

I totally agree with you about Verizon - they really do have the best coverage, too bad there phone selection isn't up to par with the service.
Did you download the new version of Google Maps?
Not yet, just using maps, which seems to work well. So just go there in the browser and it'll recognize the BB and show me the dl link page, I assume?

...Appleberry theme which seems to perform snappier than the stock one...
Not a fan of the apple look, but I'm definitely a speed freak. I'll give it a shot. Do you have a link?

How do you like typing on the Storm? I recently purchased the Omnia and I hate typing on it.
I got a very small chance to try out typing on the Omnia in the store. It's definitely better than the Dare as far as response's concerned, but the buttons are SO small. My main bitch about the Omnia's WINmo. A lot of the buttons require that damn stylus hanging off the side and even then, the screen res' so small. :( The Storm has larger buttons and in what seems to be a larger area w/ an improved res. As most of you know, the screen requires a highlight, then press to type a letter. Yes, it will slow you down a touch, but I LOVE the click. It feels like you're typing on a real keyboard...well, kinda.

That said, it's broken out of the box. Firstly, you'll need a TORX 6 screwdriver. There are 2 screws behind the battery cover. The left screw is showing, but the right hides under a sticker (water sticker I think). I loosened mine ever so slightly and now the screen's MUCH easier to press. The tough resistance and slow rebound from stock form will be alleviated greatly with this mod. You can play with it too. Apparently, they don't all require a 1/2 turn or equal amounts of turning. Some folks have reported different amounts of "spin" required to get the feel right.

Secondly, it needs a small piece of plastic, felt, rubber, etc behind the middle of the battery cover to decrease the amount of travel in the screen. By using a $9.99 cover that has a bump in the middle back along w/ a very small amount of electrical tape, I have lessened the travel by more than half!

Finally, there's some options in the keyboard menu to lower hover/tap to 100ms, increase scrolling swipe to 6, and rate to fast.

The combination of these three tweaks completely changes the entire typing experience and will reward you with a super fast and responsive screen.

I totally agree with you about Verizon - they really do have the best coverage, too bad there phone selection isn't up to par with the service.
It is now. :D

I've been threw phone after phone and am quite particular. Given the amount and speed at which beta firmware has erupted, I think we'll be safe for some time. I truly feel like I have a phone that the devs will continually work on to improve so as to compete PROPERLY with the iphone.

I'll take a shitload of pics later tonight and kill the 56er's...if there's any left. :D

EDIT: Here they come!
TORX 6 @ Fry's for $2.99

Close up view

Left side view showing voice dial button and micro USB transfer/charge plug. The case cost $9.99 and has an awesome rubber feel to it. It's not like the condom silicon crap. It only adds a little bit extra girth to the phone, but gives it a much better grip. It's got a nice belt clip too. I actually find the button useful when holding and laying down in my car as it sort of slots into crevices and keeps it from moving.

Razr comparison shots









Ah yes. All emails, SMS, MMS in one location. Also, it seems as though I'm receiving cox emails as quickly as gmail...5 or 10 seconds. It's quicker than Outlook send/receive every minute and that's more than fast enough for me.

Opened up. If I were to flick my finger to the left or right, it would show me the previous or next email, msg, etc. Pretty slick!

Pressing the screen pulls up this menu and clicking the "get link" option...

Pulls up the link in "page view."

Changing to "column view" makes everything more readable. It works on the majority of sites I've been to. Hardocp as well as the forums are more than readable and tolerable on this phone.

This works well. I have no problems flipping between home, messages, browser, etc. The app switch menu works like Vista's start menu in that most recently used progs populate the beginning of the list. There's more than 4, you just have to flick for the others.

The awesome clock. If you activate bedside mode, the screen can be dimmed but will always stay on. This has replaced my alarm clock completely. The speaker's incredibly loud.

Ah yes, the ability to delete on server and handheld or just the handheld! (I'm fairly new to the smartphone/bb world. :D)

Finally, the top buttons have been integrated into the phone in a very cool way. Using these buttons at any time will instantly make you feel as though you're using James Bond's phone. :D The upper left will lock the phone, while the upper right can pause media in the background. This means I can have a podcast chill in the background until I decide to pick it up again after a call.

The entire phone is solid. It's the same thickness all around and doesn't feel flimsy in the hand. For those of us with man hands, this phone truly fits us like a glove.
The Storm is awesome. It's a bit slower for my tastes than my 8310 curve, so I stuck to that (interface kind of deal, the touch isn't nice for me).

I see no point in upgrading yet... especially with an OS coming out sometime that is equivalent to 4.6 on the newer curve/bold that's now coming out on the curve 83xx, I think it's OS 5.0. Probably a long ways away though.

I'll probably get the new curve when the prices drop. The storm is very nice though.
Wow, your photos are awesome and makes me envious of you lol, but i heard theres also a gsm sim slot? Could it possibly be unlocked for ATT?
yea u can definitely use with att my dad just recently unlocked his and he has been using att btw the phone is awesome
say you typed this ::

hello bob, do you feel going to lunch today. you want to add the word 'like' in there..they they make it easier to add that word in there.

When i had the storm that was 1 pain in the a$$. i gave mine back within the 30 days. i didnt feel like keeping a phone that didnt work to my expectations.

my pearl is getting old. i might go back to the storm or turn to the darkside with the iphone
The pics are beautiful. I really want the storm, but im not jumping ship from sprint for a device. I'll stay with my "80's "curve which does everything the storm does without the touchscreen and bedside clock. Deleting mail from the server is a standard feature with all BBs, thats one of the main features we love about it and the fact it fetches our mail for us and replies to them from the correct account.
I'm still on the .75 firmware since the betas are so "YMMV" but I like it. It's quirky but it does everything I want. I don't think it's necessarily better than an iPhone, but it's a really good smartphone for Verizon network customers. I like the integration with Windows Live Mail, which I make extensive use of.
Dont need an app, RIM is updating the phone with a full qwerty keyboard

This one puts a genuine smile on my face, folks. It seems that the latest leaked OS upgrade for the BlackBerry Storm 95xx, v4.7.0.90, includes a new feature that lets owners activate a full QWERTY virtual keyboard while their devices are in portrait (vertical) mode. More importantly, you can now deactivate the frustrating SureType keyboard that normally appears when the device is held upright while typing.
say you typed this ::

hello bob, do you feel going to lunch today. you want to add the word 'like' in there..they they make it easier to add that word in there.
It takes practice and is easier w/ newer firmware, but still not perfect.

Thanks for the info - perhaps I'll return my Omnia and give the Storm a shot
Cool, let me know how you like it compared to the Omnia. I almost chose that since it's down to $99 and WinMo's so damn open.

Also, its good to hear good reports about the storm.
I know, right? But if you check the latest user reviews on CNET, you'll see that most folks are happy with it now. Apparently March 31st will be the end of the buy one get one free sale @ Verizon, but also the official release of a new firmware....15X or so I read on either crackberry/boy genius/engadget/howardforums.

I'm still on the .75 firmware since the betas are so "YMMV" but I like it.
MMDV or my mileage didn't vary. :p Give it a shot, but don't do it on Windows 7. I hosed mine and it did nothing but blink red at me! Finally used an XP machine to throw on .75 using the app loader, then .103 after that. It's much improved, but still needs work.

Is there an app that allows a full QWERTY keyboard in portrait mode?
.103 has this.

does anyone have any links to the 103 firmware? I'm rather fed up with .75

All found @ the Official Crackberry forums.
So yeah...um...it's accurate from room to room in my apt!!

Sorry for your eyes! :p

The 3 row view w/ my favorite icons so far.
1. capacitive vs resistive screen
The Dare works w/ pressure (even when swiping), while the Storm requires only a light touch to work with. This makes things much easier and faster when swiping or selecting items.

2. options
The Dare seemed to be limited a bit with certain options, whereas the Storm can be tweaked much more heavily, especially with regard to ringers.

3. feel
The Storm has a better hold in my hands. The Dare just felt a little too dainty, but obviously YMMV.

4. email and web
Pages load nicer on the Storm and of course, email's just awesome. Swiping left or right to see the next message saves much time.

5. crackberry and overall modability
I'm sure there's a massive Dare forum, but the crackberry forums have some hardcore users with infos on everything from the best case/film to the best apps. For example, I've now got a phantomskinz (think invisibleshield, but better) and a tight accu weather app.

6. Included 8GB Sandisk card
It came w/ one of these and it seems to read @ 10MB/Sec and write @ 7MB/Sec. I think it's limited by the phone however. I believe Kingston and Sandisk both make some high end reader's that can hit 30MB/Sec both ways.

7. Surepress
Some hate it, some love it. I love it. It gives awesome feedback after the torx 6 mod and felt button behind the battery cover. I never have to worry about accidentally hitting a link like the Dare, which happened often.

The Dare's a great "dumbphone," but the Storm's a better solution. Provided you can live w/ the 29.99 monthly data fee. I spent almost $20 extra bucks while surfing the web on the Dare, so to me it's worth it. Total after new every two came to $99 and my bro gets one for free, so we got some good deals too. :D
My new Storm shipped today! I should get it on Wednesday. I rrreeeeeeaaaaalllllyyyy hope I'm not disappointed. ;)
Give it time and do the fixes. I'm on .106, but it's got a few issues, so I'm going back to .103.
I've already got .103 downloaded and ready to load, so I'm pumped about trying the Storm. :D
Anyone going from an iPhone to a Storm? I love the iPhone, but both the 2g and 3g get horrible service where i live, unfortunately.
A friend has an iPhone 3G which he likes very much, but he thinks the Storm is better. His company pays all his cell expenses, so he's sticking with his iPhone, but he strongly recommended the Storm to me.
I've already got .103 downloaded and ready to load, so I'm pumped about trying the Storm. :D
Just don't hose it up like I did in Windows 7. :p

Bro and I just got back from the VZW store and he got his buy one, get one Storm. The manager there works @ the ASU campus store and said the Athletic's dept went Apple this time around. He said most of the students bitch and moan about not being able to make a call or receive service in classrooms. :p

It's a slick interface and a joy to use. Being in the desert, I just can't leave VZW. When going for weekend trips up north, signal gets rocky even on big red. I can't begin to imagine the issues I'd have w/ another company. By the balls you have me, VZW...by the balls. :(
+1 on the storm.

I was running .90 and it was a total pig. Required 3 restarts a day. Finally upgraded to .103 a few days ago and hasn't locked up once.

I love everything about this phone now. It took a week or two to get used to the typing but not i can't type without it. <3
Alright, so I just got it phantomskinned @ the Gilbert San Ana Village (or something like that) kiosk in front of Harkins. $30 after tax for the full body skin installed after mentioning crackberry forums. There's minimal if any orange peel affect...not enough to bother me or notice anyway. The other minor bitch I have's a few hair/dust bits that got under the screen when Jacob, owner's son put it on. That and a couple of the edge corners would pop up. I fixed that by ripping off all the edge, hinge, button skins and leaving the front screen and rear attached. I put it inside a case anyway, so none of that really matters.

If I had to do it again, I'd of just gotten the front/back skins done. With only those two covered, you have no real edge points that ruin the smoothness of the phone. That and definitely get a case that has a belt clip for ease of access.
I've tried those all-over skins on phones and never really liked them for the very reasons you mentioned. I just use a screen protector and a silicone rubber skin case. It's worked on my last 2 Blackberries (8800 and 8320). I've already got them for my Storm.
This is hardforum, not engadget. Hence, your post isn't valid.

1. Have you had one for greater than 2 weeks?
2. Have you used firmware .103, .106?
3. Have you put a spacer in between the battery cover and the battery to lessen the travel distance of the press?
4. Have you loosened the Torx 6 screws to allow for a lighter press and more rebound?
5. Have you tried it in a case which further tightens the package and makes the surepress even easier?

My Storm requires much less force to activate the press and does it in less than 1/2 the distance it used too before the mods. Combined w/ using the qwerty for a solid 2 weeks, I think typing on the keyboard's a joy and quite fast.
The T6 mod is supposed to negate the need to put a spacer behind the battery. The spacer method causes the phone to flex ever so slightly, and the thinking is that over time, this could cause the metal plate behind the screen to warp. The T6 fix loosens the screen frame mount a bit, it seems like alot of the Storms have them tightened all the way, and it's actually supposed to be an adjustment.... Not just something that is to be tightened fully.

Just by finessing the T6 screws, I have my Storm basically mimicing the feedback I used to get from my LG Voyager's QWERTY, and am becoming just as fast on it......
Hmmm, interesting thought. I actually don't have anything in the battery cover anymore. But the case I'm using has a felt sticker that goes in the middle to buffer the phone from the screw that fits into the belt clip attachment. It pushes just enough on the case to make typing even easier. Since it's behind the battery cover, I don't think it'll cause too much of a problem. Thanks for the heads up though!
Hmmm, interesting thought. I actually don't have anything in the battery cover anymore. But the case I'm using has a felt sticker that goes in the middle to buffer the phone from the screw that fits into the belt clip attachment. It pushes just enough on the case to make typing even easier. Since it's behind the battery cover, I don't think it'll cause too much of a problem. Thanks for the heads up though!

No problem. Before I adjusted my screws, I had 2 pieces of business card behind the battery, cut to fit the opening. Just the thickness of 2 business cards was enough to make the battery cover really hard to latch... :eek:
Ok, games and apps time. What are you guys running?

I just downloaded a couple games from http://www.getjar.com :

1. wap.getjar.com
2. quick download

Tiltris: 51216
Miapuzzle lite v1.1: 51317 (installs the wrong one, but prompts you for the storm version) EDIT: Uh oh, phone go crash.

What else?

I'm also using the accuweather app and slacker mobile.