I lost some ports... little help please. (long)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 12930
  • Start date

Deleted member 12930

Hey guys, so over the past three weeks I've been upgrading, formating, swapping out parts, and generally trying to fix my computer. Hardware failure is all over the place with this machine.

Before I started I was an avid Bit Torrent user. Still am. I never remember having slow download speeds constantly. It always worked just fine.

During the time that I was fixing my computer, I was using BT when i could, and I would leave it up all night long sense I was running windows updates and such. Turns out that in a weeks time I used 6 gig's of bandwith, almost all through uploading! Basically I brought my connection, and a whole small town's connection to it's knees. (wireless internet, out in the boonies next to a very small town)

Because of that my ISP shut me down pretty hardcore, capped me at i think 100kbps. I also think he blocked the ports that BT uses, 6881-6889. After getting things straightened out with my ISP and my connection back to normal (i had always thought i had dedicated bandwidth) I still can't use BT like i used to. I only get download, and upload speeds of .5kB/s to 3kB/s. It's so very slow.

I downloaded a port scanner (by i think glocksoft.com) and ran it from both my work computer, and my home computer.

From my work computer those ports we're blocked. At least they didn't show up as open.... (this is obviously when I scan my external IP)

From my home computer, depending on what IP i scan they are either open or not. For instance, if I scan my server's IP 6888 and 6889 say open. And if i scan my own computer it says only 6881 are open.

So now, i'm trying to figure out if:

a. after the recent events w/ my ISP if they've blocked those ports.
b. the server has the ports blocked
c. my machine has them blocked.

i can rule out C right now, i think?
B i'm almost positive is fine as well, sense I didn't have the problem before.
A is the only one I don't know about. Nor do I know how to really check.

I also don't really know how to check for B as well, my friend setup the linux distro trustix on my server during a LAN. I don't know linux enough to check.

So... help? :)
I'll bet your ISP put a limit on BT traffic from you so you don't kill him again...