***I Just Got My New Sync Master 204B By SAMSUNG**


Dec 13, 2005
Well after 2 months of searching the internet endlessly for a good Lcd Monitor, I finally took the plunge towards the Samsung 204B with a 5ms Response Time. To be honest with yall, this has to be one of the best looking LCD i have seen. I spent lots of time at Best Buy, Comp USA, PC CLUB, looking at all the Displays. This was the best looking one. Although none of this stores carry this model. I have played doom 3, Call of Duty 2, Quake 4, Need for Speed Most Wanted. All kinds of DVD and DAM !!!!!! I have no regrets about this monitor. Although it cost me a hefty 540.00 total. It was well worth the invesment.

Here is a link to my Pc and Images of the monitor.
Got any questions email me at [email protected]

My Pc Specs.
Intel 3.2 HT :)
XFX GeForce 6600GT 128MB ;)
Over 1Gig PC3200 DDR Memory :cool:
Nice. :)

Just ordered the Viewsonic 20.1" WS tonite. Looking forward to the widescreen goodness myself. ;)