I had a maximum pc mag and it talked about the best image program for serial ata.


Jun 16, 2004
Can anyone tell me what name of the program was. I don't want to do the trial and error I asked in the maximumpc but no more has answered.

Thanks, Celsius
I have no idea what your trying to ask. Sorry. Ice Czar will probably jump in and help you out.

BTW, I'm really not thread crapping, but this reminds me of a story. I had a year subscription to MaximumPC, and when I didn't renew it they called me to ask why. I explained politely that their magazine sucked, and if I wanted to know what the latest and greatest things from dell and alienware were, I could just go to those company's websites. I finished by saying "I feel like maximumpc is more like maximum b.s. and maximum 'I'll pay you to review my product' "

The End.

IMO, if they say something is the best, I don't trust them. I ask people here.
If you're talking about "disk imaging" software I think it was Norton's Ghost software. I've used it for years -even before it was bought by Norton and it has always been a great tool.

Personally, I've been very happy with MaximumPC considering they are probably the most honest and real of all the rags out there.They have no problem ripping up on a product -even if it is one of their big advertisers. I can't say the same for most of the Ziff-Davis pubs. They also carry a lot of very useful guides through the years that I can still go back and refer to.
Me too I've been happy with them for years but I'm moving and my wife decided that I didn't need all the back issues. I'm a sys admin and I do use the data that I read. But I remember reading that norton ghost could not see a SATA connection and not pull image.

So that is what I am asking has any ghosted a SATA file? And what program did you use.

For those of use who don't reload windows and drop an image on workstation its a godsend.

Thanks, Celsius
yea I remember that article and yes they did say norton ghost could do it but I remember them saying it wasn't smooth or it didnt work the first time. I'll find the article and make a scan of it if you want to read it again.
Ghost sees 3 of my ntfs drives in dos, but not the sata drive.

Its got the ide adapter sata thingy on that drive, so I could
just swap it to a regular ide .

My ghosts are about a minute from hd to hd.

Usually 3gbs or less.

my 2 cents
Celsius, I don't think I read that article (I may have skimmed over it and forgot), but I do know a good program for imaging hard drives and it works with SATA. The program is Drive Image 7. I have it (got it free after rebate from Fry's), and it's great. I have 1 IDE drive and 2 SATA drives (36gb Raptors) in RAID 0. Drive Image can take a image of either drives (IDE, SATA). It can also write the backup image to a external USB\Firewire HD. I heard Ghost can't do that.

I basically take a image of my RAID array when it had a fresh install with all drivers, updates, and programs I use. That way I can always revert back to it. I keep the image on my external drive. I also take an image of my array every couple of weeks, and that is stored on my IDE drive.

Anyways, here's the link for PowerQuest Drive Image 7. It's retail price is $69.99, but you can usually find good deals on it at Fry's Electronics or CompUSA (around $19.99 - $29.99 or sometimes free after rebate).

I just checked CompUSA's website for their advertised specials, and sure enough, Drive Image is on it. It says it'll be free after rebates, but one of the rebates is a $30 upgrade rebate. So unless you have a previous version of Drive Image or Ghost, you can get it for $29.99. Here's the link CompUSA's Drive Image deal
Ghost 2003 has all the same functionality as Drive Image Pro, as far as I've read. I use Ghost and trust Ghost a lot more. I also use it to image and restore my RAID array, and I have no problems doing that.
Cool, thank you big time.

When I go on a job, I give them the chance to create an image of the base os and office. I burn it to dvd and make it bootable. Considering you can squeeze 6.5 gigs on a 4.7 dvd+r makes life good. One problem I have seen, is that if the dye is purple most computers can't see the boot.img file and then can't boot. I have to use HP dvd+r which are silver dye and work fine. Let me tell you that took a while to figure out why.

If you have a chance to do this its a total life saver.
Ghost '03 will image SATA Drives but you have to download the latest Live Update for it. I first tried cloning a PATA drive to a SATA when I was migrating and it left me scratching my head because Ghost just locked up. Symantec said all that's needed is just run Live Update.