I guess u could call this a prob


Nov 29, 2004
I can use the net and play games... but it doesnt say i have a connection?

Hoping this img works.
That is sort of weird that it's not showing up there, but as long as you can get on the net and play games and aren't having any problems what's the point of messing with things?
Thats the punishment you get for being apples bitch, 99 cents for a song of lower quality than a cd for the same price ... :p
Have you tried to run the network setup wizard?

Also, how are you connecting to the internet? Is it USB based maybe?

Hmm doesnt look like im paying on Itunes eh?

But yeah i dunno why it is doing this. last time i tired new network thingi i didnt have the net for like a kaggillion hours and ended up system restore for it to work o.0
Its all fine... Im trying to say, that Im using it RIGHT NOW... I mean i can do every thing web wise.... it just showing me that i dont have a Connection ... Its quite wierd.
did you by chance play with your local group plicy to hide the local area connections? I have this set up in my domain so other users can't mess with the settings. Just a thought.
to check, run gpedit.msc, user config, admin templates, network and check out the options