I DID install OEM Vista on a diff. pc than XP


Limp Gawd
Oct 27, 2006
Title says it all

Bought XP MCE awhile back with the Vista upgrade.

Decided to upgrade my system, got a new motherboard, cpu, and video card.

Did a "clean" install of the Vista upgrade, and activated it.

Its not supposed to work, but certainly did.

Just thought I would share.

Thought I would add, that none of the new equipment saw XP, I went straight to Vista after the hardware upgrade
MS, in infinite wisdom, made the ability to "clean install" Vista Upgrade onto a drive with absolutely no previous OS info on it, using the Vista 30 day trial as the "upgrade" option. It wasn't an accident, and you are OK doing that. It also has been shown to be completely legal.
MS, in infinite wisdom, made the ability to "clean install" Vista Upgrade onto a drive with absolutely no previous OS info on it, using the Vista 30 day trial as the "upgrade" option. It wasn't an accident, and you are OK doing that. It also has been shown to be completely legal.

Sure, but my point is, that my registered hardware was different from the XP variant vs the Vista variant.

I posted the question before I tried, askin if I could take my OEM version of XP, upgrade my hardware and install Vista (basically on a completely different PC)

The answer was NO, the OEM license would not allow me to do that.

In fact in several threads, it says that you cannot install OEM Vista on a different PC than what your XP was installed on, but I have in fact done just that.

Maybe a fluke, or maybe everybody was wrong, either way it worked for my and I was able to validate as well.
If I tell somebody "Hey , you can't call me dear ol' mum that!" ... they could still physically use their mouth and call me dear ol' mum whatever they chose to ... I could also stick my left foot in their eye afterwards too..

the storal of the mory being that , yes you can install your OS on different hardware ..or even on several different machines at once if you wanted to ..but that doesn't mean that your exactly cinderectickly ricktic when it comes to uncle Bill's EULA concerning said software.

...hence where the comment "You can't do that" might come into play.

Granted, however, im not using them simultaneously, (im not even using the 2005 version anymore at all) and decided to upgrade due to Vista's demand for hardware based on what I have read on these very forums, after the purchase. (keep in mind I bought this b4 vista was even out yet)
I purchased MCE2005 less than 3 months ago, so I thought I would give it a shot so my $$ wasnt spent in vain.

And from the comments and posts that I read, I gathered that I would not be able to activate once the installation was complete without at least calling M$.

From what I have read, it didnt seem that people were saying it wasnt legal or moral, they were saying it wouldnt work.

I was posting my findings, which seems to be in accordance with the way things work here on [H]Forums, but maybe next time I will just keep it to myself.

In fact, maybe next time I will just steal it, and not give them ANY of my money at all, however, it appears that since I was willing to pay, im not some useless leech.

Having written all that, I do feel better, but cant waste the spent energy by erasing it. ;)

Good day sir!
..well now , haven't you been keeping up on the latest hoopla that is neither here nor there?! ... good old Microsoft says that "Hey ..if you gonna steal something anyways ..steal our stuff!"

..if that ain't some hairy Redmond luvin' ..well then , I don't know what is.

...And from the comments and posts that I read, I gathered that I would not be able to activate once the installation was complete without at least calling M$.

From what I have read, it didnt seem that people were saying it wasnt legal or moral, they were saying it wouldnt work....

Hang on a bit before you go suggesting people gave you incorrect advice. You never asked, in that earlier thread, if it was possible to install and activate under those circumstances. You asked if you could register, and if the circumstance was the same as exists for the retail product.

'Registered Windows' means jack shit except in the context of a legally valid license, and the OEM license differs from a retail license.

The distinction was also explicitly stated (by me) in that earlier thread:
... if the license you upgrade from is an OEM license then you STILL cannot legally transfer to a new machine. In practical terms you can get it installed and activated on a new system, but under those circumstances you would not have a legally valid license...

The same people who answered you there have consistently been saying the same thing in numerous threads:

It works. It ain't legal.
Hang on a bit before you go suggesting people gave you incorrect advice. You never asked, in that earlier thread, if it was possible to install and activate under those circumstances. You asked if you could register, and if the circumstance was the same as exists for the retail product.

'Registered Windows' means jack shit except in the context of a legally valid license, and the OEM license differs from a retail license.

The distinction was also explicitly stated (by me) in that earlier thread:

The same people who answered you there have consistently been saying the same thing in numerous threads:

It works. It ain't legal.

Your post did make the most sense and I questioned some of the other responses based on yours, so yes, you are correct, I did not technically ask if it could be done, although I implied it by asking if it could be registered. That is what I meant though, so I guess its my fault for assuming it would be understood.

I do appreciate your clarity, but others were not nearly as clear as you were.

Im really not trying to make a big deal about it, just thought I would share.

Maybe im not TOTALLY legal, but its better than downloading the OS and contributing nothing.

Thanks for your input, I really (seriously) do appreciate it. Next time I will try to be more specific if I can.
..well now , haven't you been keeping up on the latest hoopla that is neither here nor there?! ... good old Microsoft says that "Hey ..if you gonna steal something anyways ..steal our stuff!"

..if that ain't some hairy Redmond luvin' ..well then , I don't know what is.

