Humble Monthly Bundle - August 2017 - Review and Discussion Thread


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2003
Its that time again, the next Humble Monthly Bundle has arrived! For those unaware of Humble Monthly Bundles, please see my more in-depth introduction here during my first thread from April 2017 - - I'll just get right into it again!

August Humble Monthly Titles

One Piece: Burning Blood ( $50, Windows ) - Burning Blood is the latest PC game iteration based on the extremely popular anime and manga series "One Piece". A previous Humble Monthly offered "Pirate Warriors 3" which was a "Musou/Dynasty Warriors" style romp, whereas "Burning Blood" is a 3 on 3 "spectacle" fighting game. Like many licensed works, fans of the anime or manga will get the most enjoyment of brawling with their favorite characters, but even those not familiar with the work could find a fun time with over-the-top battles. There is a wide selection of diverse characters from the One Piece universe that are reported to play differently, but like many anime-based titles this isn't a "serious" technical fighting game so the balance can occasionally be a little wonky. There are various modes of play including a Story mode that follows the long-running series so it could be a good introduction to those not familiar with One Piece, and support for online multiplayer (unlike the previous One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 title which sadly was local multiplayer only). I have to commend the developers for supporting many text/subtitled languages, yet keeping down localization costs by leaving the original Japanese audio intact. As far as DLC is concerned, there is a $25 (standard price) "Gold" pack which gets you all of the DLC, including new characters, variants, costumes and other features. This is the kind of title that is great to find as part of a bundle or sale, as the list price may be high for those who are not dedicated fans, but I am curious to give it a try.

Offworld Trading Company ($20, Win/Mac ) With a development heritage including strategy veterans from Stardock (ie Galactic Civilizations) and Firaxis (Civilization), comes an "economic" RTS set on Mars where mega-corporations compete for control! Offering story campaigns, scenarios, and online multiplayer (Not to mention Steam Workshop support) that can be experienced both cooperatively or competitively, Offworld Trading Company's RTS mechanics are based around economic activity - Instead of building soldiers and tanks, you're finding rare materials, crafting desirable goods to sell, or attempting to play the complex simulated market economy. As for DLC, there has been one large Expansion "Jupiter's Forge" ($15) launched a few months ago, as well as an assortment of other content packs that are around $5 each, but seem to offer new features for the price - keep your eyes open for sales on your favorite sites. It is also of note that while not currently available, there is talk of a Linux port to come. For those who enjoyed other RTS and want something a little different, managed economic city/world builder sims, or the economic side of MMOs such as EVE Online (or just playing the Auction House on WoW/FFXIV/Guild Wars etc), check this out!

Pillars of Eternity ($45, Win/Mac/Linux ) - Originally crowdfunded, from Obsidian comes this incredibly well regarded title in the vein of Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, and other CRPG classics. In a good choice, Pillars was one of the Early Access titles for the month. Depth is the name of the game in this isometric adventure, and players can choose from many classes and races to build their avatars. Branching paths, a reputation system, and various ways to handle any given situation ensure that the player can become immersed in their role and tailor the experience as they wish, giving replay value. DLC is concentrated in a large, content heavy old-school expansion pack "The White Marsh", that is broken down into "Part 1" and "Part 2", each $15, or available together as a complete pack for $25. Sales of course will save you even more. Pillars of Eternity is certainly on my backlog's short-list for CRPGs and it has near universal acclaim, considered one of the better options of the genre which thanks to crowdfunding is enjoying a resurgence of quality titles (ie Divinity: Original Sin series, Wasteland series, Torment: Tides of Numeria etc). Its notable that PoE 2: Deadfire has been successfully crowdfunded on wit over 4 Million dollars (and tons of stretch goals) , so now is a great time to play the first while the second is in development -

NBA 2K17 - ($60, Windows) - I have no experience nor interest in "2K" sports games so I don't have much to say here. It appears that the title has been lauded by some reviewers for its gameplay elements, yet monetization seems to be a point of contention considering the in-game currency and special items (customization I am guessing) available in the "Legend" and "Legend Gold" upgrades - these may be available to you as upgrades if you have the base title? Some say this is one of the most realistic and in depth sports games around - which seems to be the objective of the whole '2K Sports" lineup and that is commendable if accurate. However by the presence of NBA 2K18 already on the Steam store and the previous concerns, some players and reviewers say that the devs / publishers are so focused on monetization to the exclusion of everything else; I could see that may be the case. After all, from a technical perspective many sports games could stick with a single, continuously updated title for years, with yearly expansions and upgrades until the engine need to be replaced (a la Capcom expanding Street Fighter V and IV to a point) , but the pro sports game industry seems to be inflexible in this regard. Fans who want an immersive NBA experience probably already know what they're getting into and if they'll like this title. Its not my preference, but clearly getting such an expensive licensed title into Humble Monthly is a good value.

War for The Overworld ( $30+, Win/Mac/Linux ) - Aside from the "Dungeons" series, "War for the Overworld" is one of the two high quality series built as an expanded homage to Dungeon Keeper from long ago. War for the Overworld is a real time strategy simulation title where instead of playing as the hero, you're the nefarious Underlord carving out a dungeon with his minions, training them, and repelling all the incursions of those damned good guys, before taking the fight to them to conquer the world! Building your dungeon with all the "comforts" to attract and support a legion of fantasy nasties from goblin-like workers to cultists to undead giants and more is a core part of gameplay. Minions have their own needs and requirements and start to act out if not being met, which makes them unwieldy and less effective. The humorous Campaign mode is a central feature and acts as an in-depth tutorial as well, but there are also other scenarios and special missions (like Crucible survival mode with online leaderboards etc), not to mention Steam Workshop support to play others creations. Most notably however is the inclusion of online multiplayer, which can be both cooperative and competitive. War for the Overworld has been updated frequently and significantly since its release and a ton of free content and quality of life features have been added, as well as some paid DLC. This includes a handful of expansions (including one with a separate campaign!) that have, thanks to the game's recent anniversary, have been globally discounted as well as put on sale - a great time to get the whole pack, as they are all worthwhile! There is at least one more expansion campaign in the works as well as other smaller updates. Definitely a worthy addition to this month's bundle for anyone wanting to channel their inner Underlord!

Overcooked ($18, Win/Mac ) - Overcooked allows between 1-4 players to take the role of chefs working to fill orders in a variety of hectic culinary environments from food truck to gourmet, or even stranger locales like a pirate ship! With its cute aesthetic, easy controls, and co-op friendliness in both campaign and scenario games alike, it is perfect for couples or parties, but even a solo player can enjoy themselves while honing their craft, and competitive modes can be unlocked too. Overcooked seems well reviewed by players and critics alike (even winning a BAFTA!), but one of its only disappointments is that co-op is local only, not online. There is a massive thread in the forums requesting online play and I hope they either bring it to the game if possible or into an expanded sequel if not, as the person with whom I'd like to play most is across the country at the moment! There is a similarly long threat requesting Linux support as well, so hopefully that too will be forthcoming. While there have been several free content updates, there is only a single paid DLC expansion "The Lost Morsel" ($5), but at time of this writing the game and DLC are both on sale, so be alert to pick them up at a 50%+ discount. Especially for those with friends nearby this looks like it could be great, lighthearted fun.

Wuppo ($15, Windows ) - An indie 2D adventure with a hand-drawn motif and charming "blob" characters, Wuppo is noted to be a passion project of a 2 person team. Blending together a variety of platforming action, adventure/RPG-lite exploration blends these mechanics around a storyline within an inventively cute world. DLC includes 2 packs at $2 and $5, each adding new items and in-game locations/shops. Could be an interesting little diversion or as some reviews suggest a deceptively big game!

Nongunz ($7 Win/Mac/Linux ) - This gothic 2D action roguelike describes itself as nihilistic, so that should tell you something from the start! Each level is rendered in pixel graphics with the background in gothic black+white, while color and texture are given to enemies and interactive elements reminiscent of viscera! Gameplay is hectic with your skeletal character slicing and shooting (guns and ranged weapons seem as prevalent as melee ability) as they bound around dodging enemy attacks and other platforming hazards. Living longer, completing attack chain combos, and stylish combat all give bonus points to global progression despite your death, which plays out with the graveyard in which you arise becoming more developed with new adherents. These can grant bonuses to both combat as well as the "idle game" playing out in the background. Cryptically, the title's store page suggests that the whole game is somewhat of a riddle that will play out differently or be revealed over time as things evolve. Seems like a worthy addition to this month's bundle, if you're looking for pixel platforming action with a tough, gothic twist.

Kevin Eastman's "Underwhere" (BONUS) - As mentioned over the past few months, Humble has partnered with the creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics to include his serialized new graphic novel about an imaginative young boy, "Underwhere". This month has Issue 4, as well as offering Issues 1 -3 again for those who may have missed them in previous months. Consider this a bonus!

Quiet City ($??, BONUS, Humble Original) - This month's Humble Original is a minimalist, stick-figure based title with curiously little information. Is it really as limited as it appears or is there something lurking underneath? Guess you'll have to give it a try to see!

September Early Access Title

Killing Floor 2 ($30, Windows) - Though titled as a sequel, Killing Floor 2 is more of an enhanced remake of its predecessor, a very popular co-op zombie FPS. KF2 takes place in the UK after biotech company Horizon accidentally release "Zeds" as bioweapons, ranging from the standard lumbering "clot" to invisible "stalkers" and the titanic "fleshpound". Players work together in rounds, clearing all of the zeds through a wide variety of weaponry that must (aside from starter gear) be purchased in between each round from the vendor that spawns. These weapons, as well as tools and special skills and abilities are balanced for co-op use and to play into the well-crafted "perk" class system. Picking a class grants passive bonuses to certain abilities (ie Support welding doors faster, Sharpshooter doing more headshot damage) as well as costs of weapons favored by each perk. All of this encourages cooperative play with various perks working together, Medics healing everyone with their med-tech dart enhanced weapons, Commandos using their assault rifles to take down hordes of weaker zeds, while Supports use their shotguns against heavy targets and pass out extra ammo etc. Successful play grants XP allowing each Perk to level up, granting new special bonuses and abilities which a choice every 5 levels or so. This is saved globally/account wide and XP is accrued on any "ranked" servers. I should mention that there is also a "versus" mode allowing players to inhabit the bodies of the heartier "special" zeds, as well. There is a wide modding community and dedicated servers available, but another major focus is on character customization. Along with various player avatars, there are tons of collectable cosmetics that customize both their appearance and the appearance of weaponry. Awarding these use the Valve-style "Crate + Key" style mechanic, where as you may be awarded a "crate" of cosmetics, but will need to buy or trade for a key to unlock it. Of course, some cosmetics can also drop directly after rounds of play without the need for crates. Like CS:GO / TF2 etc... there is an integrated market where players can buy/sell/trade keys/crates, as well as directly buy certain items. DLC-wise there is very little save for a Deluxe edition upgrade ($10) which unlocks some notable cosmetics, but there are many free updates and special events with each content patch and KF2 is still progressing and supported at a steady rate. Killing Floor offers many rounds of co-op zed-killing fun and if this seems up your alley I'd subscribe to September's Monthly Bundle to enjoy it ASAP!


Don't forget that aside from each month's games, you also are granted a global 10% discount (that even stacks with other discounts!) in the Humble Store , access to the Humble Trove of downloadable titles, and extras like discount coupons! If you enjoyed any of this and wish to subscribe, feel free to use my referral link ! Enjoy!