Humble Monthly Bundle - December 2017 - Review and Discussion Thread


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2003
It's that time again, the next Humble Monthly Bundle has arrived! For those unaware of Humble Monthly Bundles, please see my more in-depth introduction here during my first thread from April 2017 - - I'll just get right into it again!

For those interested, here are all my back Humble Monthly reviews

May -
June - (Missed writing one)
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -

December Humble Monthly Titles

Rivals of Aether ($15, Win/Mac/Linux) - Fans of the Nintendo "Smash Bros" series of fighting games, take note! Rivals of Aether is a refined experience in the same vein of Smash Bros, offering chaotic 4-player fighting! There are a wide variety of modes from single player Story modes (which teach the lore of the world as well as character mechanics) to the Versus mode and Abyss endless ladders. The characters are anthopomorphic animals, mixing some of Smash Bros' style characters to "Pokemon" in a cartoonish style, but beyond their aesthetics they are honed by veterans of the Smash Bros competitive fighting community and balanced so all the characters can thrive without imbalanced "tier lists". Each fighter has rather unique elements and its likely you'll find a few playstyles you prefer. New characters and features are being added to the core game even though it is exited Early Access awhile ago. DLC takes the place of a handful of reasonably priced offerings such as $2 special cosmetic skins for existing characters (that also grant a unique animation/taunt) to $5 packs that add new characters, including guest characters like "Ori" from "Ori and the Blind Forest" fame. For those who enjoy the frenetic combat of the Smash Bros style fighting titles, Rivals of Aether is one of the strongest offerings you'll find on PC!

H1Z1 - ($20, Windows) - The "Battle Royale / Hunger Games style" genre has exploded and though other titles such as the new "Fortnite: Battle Royale" and "PlayerUnknowns: Battlegrounds" have come onto the scene, H1Z1 is Daybreak Games (formerly SOE) longer standing entry into the market and it still has a strong following on Twitch and elsewhere. H1Z1 starts with up to 150 players, alone or in teams, dropping onto a wide arena from above in random locations. The arena is populated with all sorts of random buildings, open fields and a variety of terrain upon which players must scavenge for drops and hidden equipment. Being able to find supplies including weaponry is important as the entire thing is single elimination, causing the tension that fans of the genre love. This is increased by a poisonous fog that begins to form on the edge of the map and after a time progresses inward, driving the players to abandon camps and forces them towards the remaining living players in the center. DLC via the Steam version is relatively limited in a number of cosmetic hoodies with different nations' flag designs for $5 each, but I am unsure if Daybreak (who usually works with "F2P" titles) has an in-game item mall or if cosmetics are granted exclusively via play. I do not have the experience in this genre to be able to distinguish what makes it a significant departure from other entries... anyone want to weigh in?

BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend ($30, Windows) - One of the month's highlights BlazBlue is a unique title that is not only a traditional fighting game from Arc System Works (the studio behind GUILTY GEAR among others) but also includes "Visual Novel" style storytelling. BlazBlue offers both beautifully rendered anime-style fighting game content but probably one of the deepest stories in fighting games to date played through visual-novel style animations, pre-battle cutscenes and more. All of these are fully voiced in both English and Japanese! It is worth it to mention that "Chronophantasma Extend" is the 3rd of 4th "main continuity" BlazBlue game (with the "Extend" version on PC being an enhanced version), but the devs helpfully include in-game comic books, database, and animations that tell what has happened in the earlier BlazBlue titles (ie Calamity Trigger being part 1, Continuum Shift being Part 2..) for those who want to get caught up. This game has a wealth of additional modes including the same, deep room system and customizations you'd expect to find in a Capcom type fighting game for online and local play, in addition to a variety of training and challenge modes to hone your game. Of course, the varying Story, Arcade, and database modes make it possible to enjoy fully on your own even if you don't usually play fighting games online - there's even a "Remix Heart" version with a number of non-canonical and side stories! With a playable count of over 28 characters you are not likely to get bored either, especially with the many fighting mechanics that are unique but unlike many titles not imposing thanks to a fantastic tutorial system. I've been told that only the "Mortal Kombat X" and/d "Injustice / Injustice 2" series of fighters really have as much emphasis on story mode and character development/lore as BlazBlue, but if they even come close it would be pretty exceptional. There is also no DLC to speak of with it all being included in the PC release (unlike console, which came first), and the "Extend" version including extra widgets and whatnot - a good showing! The only criticism I could levy is that I really wish Humble had secured the rights to offer "BlazBlue: Central Fiction" the latest, 2017 entry to the mainline series that debuted on Steam earlier in the year. This is not to say Chronophantasma Extend isn't good or even great, but Central Fiction is the newest version; if you like Chronophantasma Extend, I'd suggest looking into picking up Central Fiction next time its on sale to see the story continue!

Nex Machina ($20, Windows) - Fans of Robotron or SmashTV check out this brightly colored twin-stick shooter! Including over 100 levels and lots of secrets (including characters etc), leaderboards and more, this highly lauded shooter offers tons of hectic action for you and or a friend via co-op. Unfortunately, said co-op is only local/split-screen which means isolating a large subgroup of players which sadly limits the appeal of the game. Linux support may be coming but it may take opting in so be sure to check out the forum/announcements. This genre is best played with friends so relegating it to local means those without a nearby partner will be focusing on the score attack and leaderboard elements which is neat but not a major driving factor for many players. Still it is said to be one of the better offerings and developer Housemarque has a good history of shooter development so definitely check this one out!

The Sexy Brutale ( $20, Windows) - This is a rather unique title where "The Ship" meets "Groundhog Day" (or perhaps.. that Jake Gyllenhall film "Source Code"). If any of that makes sense to you you're probably already intrigued. In The Sexy Brutale, your avatar is invited to a casino mansion and wakes up after a grizzly event with a mask on, soon to find that they are caught in a time loop of sorts. The day plays out until each other guest is murdered until midnight when the clock rewinds and it all starts again. You are not vulnerable to the goings on but nor can you directly intercede otherwise, so you have to investigate the mystery behind each victim and learn how to spare them from their death before the appointed hour! What you learn in each loop, being in the right place and right time may show you how to do so! With each success you're likely to add to your mask collection and thus new abilities, which propels the title forward They certainly got the atmopshere right with claymation-style characters and environments. Note: Linux support could be added in beta soon. This indie mystery has a noteworthy premise and if executed well could be a fantastic time! Many reviewers from the big name to the random steam players find it well worth the time if it seems an interesting premise to you.

Strafe: Millennium Edition ($20 Win/Mac) - This first person roguelike may look and sound like it came out of the late 90's, but don't be fooled! It may have the speed of Quake but its campaign is designed for procedural generation and only allowing one life, roguelike style! Likewise, it is a single player adventure the devs wish to be cohesive, so don't expect any deathmatches or whatnot. However, you can use a multitude of weapons to splatter tons of NPC enemies on your path forward with over 30 advertised weapons plus even more upgrades, not to mention a ton of secrets! Beside the main campaign modes, there are also daily and weekly special leaderboard challenges, as well as "murder" challenge rooms so you'll be blasting away for hours! Note that Linux support should be on its way now that the game has been released out of Early Access, so keep eyes open. If you want a chance for a cathartic, violent roguelike FPS give Strafe a chance!

Passpartout: The Starving Artist ($10, Win/Mac/Linux) - A quirky, indie title that pokes fun at itself, Passpartout: The Starving Artist is something of a "Starving Artist Simulator". You play a French (because it had to be French) artist starting out crafting art to fuel his wine and baguette addiction. I am not making that up. Its actually on the page. Go look! You and your world are visualized as traditional French inspired puppetry; an apropos motif. As the artist paints, its actually up to you to draw on the canvas yourself. No matter if you can barely blob together some colors from the tools available, MS Paint style or if you're truly talented, you try to sell your works of art to passers by. Success only increases your tools, studio, aesthetics/housing, and of course the quality of wine and baguettes you can enjoy! Will you end up with gallery shows and at the center of Parisian art scenes, or forgotten on the street burning canvases for warmth? No matter what happens the charm and potential hilarity that ensues makes Passpartout the kind of game that these bundles are made for - you may never think to buy it a la carte, but you may have hours of fun now that you've been exposed to it!

Way of the Passive Fist ($??, Sneak Peek) - Much like Hollow Knight last year, sometimes Humble Monthly subscribers get a special demo version of an upcoming title. Way of the Passive Fist is a unique 2D brawler scheduled to arrive in 2018. While looking at it invokes fond remembrance of Golden Axe , Aliens vs Predators, or other beat-em-ups, it plays with a unique conceit that your character fights in a flowing kata of dodges, blocks, parries, and strikes instead of merely walking through the depth and wailing on the buttons. It is a unique element with potential though I am a bit concerned that at least for the moment it seems to be a single player game; not bad by any means, but it must truly have a ton of content to make up for a brawler - even a modified one - not offering multiplayer. I suppose we'll see next year but get a taste of it in this month's Humble Monthly with a special Sneak Peek!

Thor.n ($??, Humble Original) - One of the two Humble Originals this month is Thor.n, a "First Person Job Simulator" where you awake to find you've come to the age of majority and can "give back to society" and "obtain citizenship"....primarily through interfacing with the various terminals in your dwelling while a parental AI "guardian" gives you guidance. This seems like the kind of title with something to say... I wonder what it shall be? NOTE: Upon playing it through, it is revealed this is a demo of a future title and quite intriguing between a "Stanley Parable" style interaction and a omenous though caring, GLaDOS-inspired "Guardian" giving hints of the type of society that exists outside your tiny apartment. I'm interested to see where this goes...

Crescent Bay ($??, Humble Original) - The other Humble Original is a first person psychological thriller. You find that a friend of yours has been murdered and through your unique skill, being able to "channel sequences of words" you can speak to the "ghosts of the past". you can learn about what happened to your friend and shed light on the mystery! I wonder how it will compare to other mysteries, but your ability suggests it shall be more than a mere "walking simulator". Lets see what happens...

January 2018 Early Access Titles

The Long Dark ($35, Win/Mac/Linux )
- Oh man we've got some treats for you this month. The Long Dark is certainly one of them! This first person survival title has come to great acclaim because of its quasi-realism - there are no ghouls, aliens, monsters or psychics... just the harsh threats of the natural world. You'll need to manage food, warmth, cartography, animal attacks and the worst of a frigid Canadian winter can throw at you! A single player experience, it both includes a story-based mode called WINTERMUTEwhere you play a downed bush pilot deep in Canada. So far 2 of the 5 episodes are available/unlocked, but the other 3 will be coming without additional cost for owners of the title! They feature a cohesive narrative fully voiced including the likes of big name voice actors like Jennifer Hale (FemShep) and David Hayter (Solid Snake!) while offering the survival-exploration experience and mechanics of The Long Dark. There is also a Survival sandbox without a particular story and it can be brutal such as including permadeath. Will you survive a bear attack a la Leonardo DiCaprio in "The Revenant" or end up dying shivering around an empty firepit as your day's calories cant' keep you going any longer? Long in Early Access I knew The Long Dark would be something special and it has really developed over time - definitely a major reason to get in on next month's bundle!

Quantum Break ($40, Windows) - If you want a cinematic , sci-fi action adventure, Quantum Break comes from the devs behind "Max Payne" and "Alan Wake". As the story unfolds the space-time continuum has been shattered and two men come across with incredible powers, yet potentially use them very differently. Your decisions are said to lead to varying outcomes - I wonder how accurate this shall be beyond the "one decision near the end of the game" paradigm? With noteworthy actors like Dominic Monaghan the narrative is on full display and much like the aforementioned games everything including the mechanics (in this case time travel, much like the Bullet Time of Max Payne back in the day) are highlighted. I remember this title launched awhile ago on the Windows Store (Win10 only) and because of that kind of missed its mark, but when it came to Steam (and had some technical issues fixed) it was reviewed to be a strong and enjoyable title.

Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War III ($40, Win/Mac/Linux)
- A recent release from the venerable Warhammer 40K series, Dawn of War III is the latest iteration of their PC-based RTS and one of the most high profile WH40K licenses around. The prior Dawn of War titles have all been very well received, focusing on "smallish-unit" RTS compared to say... Total War style giant armies. The formulation has been refined to offer some of the first "giant" units in the series among other improvements. DoW3 offers a wide variety of both single player and multiplayer modes, co-op and competitive. A hallmark of the series is its array of WH40K units from the (this time) Empire of Man (Space Marines et al), Orks, and Eldar along with the noteworthy livery for each unit type allowing players to dress their units in lore favorite Space Marine Chapter or Eldar Craftworld colors for example, not to mention varied "Hero" unit types from each. Earlier DoW titles also included Chaos force, Tyranid, Tau and other factions from the universe but most of these came in DLC expansions so I think it may be time to watch DoW3 for such offerings given it is much newer. Some users have a mixed response t o DoW3, feeling that the first two may have been better for such reasons as the prior had separate faction campaigns rather than an integrated campaign where you play each of the 3 after a time with an aoverarching story, but we shall see how things develop for this relatively new title going forward.


Don't forget that aside from each month's games, you also are granted a global 10% discount (that even stacks with other discounts!) in the Humble Store , access to the Humble Trove of downloadable titles, and extras like discount coupons! If you enjoyed any of this and wish to subscribe, feel free to use my referral link ! Enjoy!
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