cleaner dont work


Oct 23, 2000
1,993 ok well aparently i installed somthing that installed somthing else when i do a google search it randomly brings up that website with a random search of bullshit
is there anyway to tell what the cleaner.exe on the website does or trys to uninstall so i can manually target it?
try looking in the folder it's located for any sort of file that's not *.exe, then shift+right+click and click on Open With, then click on Notepad, then see if there's anything you can make out (use your imagination)

if there's a *.ini file, that's the one you want to look at!

also, go Start \ Regedit and then click on Search (might be Edit \ Search) and look for any registry keys associated with "cleaner", they might give you a clue.

try dogpiling (since you can't google) for the description of that file.
well I tried look threw my harddrive for anything related, I searched for anything, I checked the reg, nothing i did all that before posting
what is dogpiling?