hp proliant DL580 G2 help?


Aug 28, 2011
hello all!

i have been struggling to figure out these servers. im definitely a newbie to setting up servers especially something so crazy...

i am using 8 HP Proliant DL 580 G2 servers as render nodes for 3ds max. i managed to get windows server 2003 R2 installed and running.. but i seem to be having trouble with the array controllers they seem to be temperamental... one min they start up fine.. then upon restart they dont want to boot windows but still list the drives as found....

has anyone had similar issues? or could someone point me in the right direction??

Do you have the latest Proliant Support Pack installed? Is the firmware on the array controllers up to date?

Never really had a problem with Proliants.
i dont even know what that is... lol
im definitely a newbie when it comes to setting up and running the Proliants.

is there some sort of tutorial out there that could help me out or is it more like read millions of manuals and figure it out? ahahaha

b/c at the moment i start up each one individually via power button...and go through the kvm switch to access each one... then start up the programs...

does that support pack update the firmware on all machines from one interface? or do i have to do it separate for each one?

is there a way to do all of this crap remotely from a workstation on the network?
The G2? really, those are sort of old. anyway.

Download the firmware update CD:

Make into ISO, boot from it, let it install everything.

Then get the proliant support pack, this is all the drivers you need:


Just download the one 143B file, then run it, it will extract to a bunch of small files. find setup.exe and run that, let it update everything.

when you're all done and rebooted, in the start menu find the HP array configuration GUI.
run that and see how your array is doing, there should be no alerts.

do all of this on 1 server, and see how it works, before you go on to the next server.

Finally, seriously consider hiring someone who has experience on this stuff, just maybe for a few hours. I'd guess there are all sorts of things that need fixing up, and you'll benefit a lot from an experienced eye.

Heck, if you're in upstate NY, you can hire me :)
Try using HP SmartStart to install the OS. That's the proper way to do it on HP servers anyways.
I'd update the firmware on everything. I doubt the smartstart CD will help you....the G2 is miiiiiighty old, I doubt you'll find support for installing 2k8 server for it....I doubt they're released any new drivers for it in a decade.