HP 1006 Weird Problem


Limp Gawd
Nov 28, 2004
Hello. I was hoping to get some help on this weird printer problem I am having.

Earlier this AM I got an email from one of our distributors... So I began to print it. Then I realized that it was over 100 pages long. I decided to stop the printing job at that point.
The printer kept printing the job still... even though I told it to cancel like 50 times.

Only thing I could thing of from there was to reboot while the printer was still going. Upon reboot I found a weird issue. Now the printer will not work with the laptop on the network.
Its prints fine on my machine... but now the laptop can only see the printer but not use it.
I go to set it as the default in that machine and it says it will DL the drivers for use on printer.
When I do that it just returns an error.... can not connect to printer.

I have tried to use the manual method of using a manual port setting but it just returns an access denied.,

Anyone know how I can get this printer working on that machine. I have tried searching online for this error.
power cycle the printer to clear whatever was left in the buffer and restart your print spooler service on your host

manually download and reinstall the printer drivers from the HP website if you still have connectivity issues

in the future you can pause/delete a big job that is spooling from a host... there is no need to reboot.. if the whole job is already at the printer you can either use the control panel to stop it or just reset the printer to clear the buffer