How's this network layout look?


Jun 1, 2009
How does this network layout look? I'm going to redo my network and here's what I'm thinking of doing. Suggestions on how to better it and all?

The family pc is a desktop downstairs, my mom doesn't want me to run cables or anything, so that's why it's wireless.

So, any advice?

EDIT: Print Server is going to be added soon for my rigs.
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I'm still working on my Network+ and I'm not any kind of expert, so you take take my advice with a grain of salt.

I'd say instead of having the family PC on wireless, you could network it in via the in-home AC lines. Netgear sells adapters that will plug into the wall, you run a Cat5 from the NIC to the plug, then plug one in at the outlet you've got the switch plugged into, run it into the switch, and presto, you've got a 10Mb connection. I did it with my father's home network because he was always right at the edge of the 802.11n and moving the router wasn't really an option.

I'd honestly do the same thing for your XBox too... it'll take some pressure off your Wireless setup and will include the desktop on the local network without having to go through your router. Also one more thing... you show the print server tied into the switch... I assume that was a mistake and that "The Beast" server is actually handling that task?
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Being that the server is kinda old, I'm a little worried about the power consumption vs. benefit. That BEAST probably uses up a lot of wattage, and therefore power, and therefore electricity costs, but the benefit of 550Mhz CPUs and old hard drives doesn't justify it.

Other than that, also try changing the WRT54G to something like a Netgear Gigabit VPN Firewall (although, the bottleneck doesn't really occur here). And, of course - try upgrading the REALLY OLD Cisco switch :)

Go Gigabit!!! :)
I'm still working on my Network+ and I'm not any kind of expert, so you take take my advice with a grain of salt.

I'd say instead of having the family PC on wireless, you could network it in via the in-home AC lines. Netgear sells adapters that will plug into the wall, you run a Cat5 from the NIC to the plug, then plug one in at the outlet you've got the switch plugged into, run it into the switch, and presto, you've got a 10Mb connection. I did it with my father's home network because he was always right at the edge of the 802.11n and moving the router wasn't really an option.

I'd honestly do the same thing for your XBox too... it'll take some pressure off your Wireless setup and will include the desktop on the local network without having to go through your router. Also one more thing... you show the print server tied into the switch... I assume that was a mistake and that "The Beast" server is actually handling that task?

Wouldn't that require running wires through the walls though? The switch is upstairs with everything else, the family pc is downstairs. My mom doesn't want any kind of wiring in the walls for some weird reason, so anything like that is out.

The print server is a new addition I'm thinking about adding. Adding my photo printer to it to share over the LAN, while still having the family printer hooked up downstairs just in case.

Being that the server is kinda old, I'm a little worried about the power consumption vs. benefit. That BEAST probably uses up a lot of wattage, and therefore power, and therefore electricity costs, but the benefit of 550Mhz CPUs and old hard drives doesn't justify it.

Other than that, also try changing the WRT54G to something like a Netgear Gigabit VPN Firewall (although, the bottleneck doesn't really occur here). And, of course - try upgrading the REALLY OLD Cisco switch :)

Go Gigabit!!! :)

Yea, the server is super old and super power hungry. That's why it's offline now. It made my light bill jump $150ish dollars in one month so yea, I'm going to sell that.

How much would a Netgear Gigabit VPN Firewall/switch cost me? And does it still offer wifi capabilities?
you could network it in via the in-home AC lines

This is illegal in some states i recall, due to it being a possible firehazard.

i would say screw a print server, get a USB wifo adapter for it instead.
If your dead set on keeping that beast of a server around you could always make that your print server. No point in wasting even more electricity just to run a printer.
I dunno about how much internet your systems will be using or what type of traffic it will be, but I'm a bit concerned your WRT54G might choke a bit. Not bandwidth but cpu/memory. Seems the WRT54G is one of the better linksys products, but I've seen a fair share of other similar models choke with far less systems running torrents and voip.
I'd agree with running gigabit, and also I would use a x86 PC to do the actual routing (I use x86 ver of DD-WRT) and then I ALSO have a WRT54G (with DD-WRT on it) that I use only for a wireless access point. I use a p3 1ghz for the router box and it handles lots of connections (bittorrent, etc) MUCH better than the dinkly lil CPU in the WRT54G does.
Yes, that seems more reasonable to me, keeping the WRT54G as a WAP but not so much for routing. But I also think if you're not doing much torrenting you might do alright with it as you documented your design.
If your dead set on keeping that beast of a server around you could always make that your print server. No point in wasting even more electricity just to run a printer.

The beast server is offline, it used way to much power for what I was using it for. So, that's OXYGEN and BORON left for servers. I'm setting up Untangle on the BORON box just as soon as I find a small little hard drive for it lol. And I'll add a SATA PCI Card to the OXYGEN rig and use that as a file server.

I'd agree with running gigabit, and also I would use a x86 PC to do the actual routing (I use x86 ver of DD-WRT) and then I ALSO have a WRT54G (with DD-WRT on it) that I use only for a wireless access point. I use a p3 1ghz for the router box and it handles lots of connections (bittorrent, etc) MUCH better than the dinkly lil CPU in the WRT54G does.

See above on the BORON rig. I would use DD-WRT on my linksys, but I'm a little afraid of bricking it. And I don't have a lot of cash to spare to replace it right now. Plus, my wifi is in use pretty much 24/7 around here, so there's finding a time where no one is using it and doing it.

I'm looking at some gigabit switches, but they're all way to expensive for me right now :(

Yes, that seems more reasonable to me, keeping the WRT54G as a WAP but not so much for routing. But I also think if you're not doing much torrenting you might do alright with it as you documented your design.

Again, see above. And I do a lot of torrenting lol.
How does this network layout look? I'm going to redo my network and here's what I'm thinking of doing. Suggestions on how to better it and all?

The family pc is a desktop downstairs, my mom doesn't want me to run cables or anything, so that's why it's wireless.

So, any advice?

EDIT: Print Server is going to be added soon for my rigs.

What'd you use for the network diagram?
Yea, the server is super old and super power hungry. That's why it's offline now. It made my light bill jump $150ish dollars in one month so yea, I'm going to sell that.

How much would a Netgear Gigabit VPN Firewall/switch cost me? And does it still offer wifi capabilities?

I would recommend the FWG114P by Netgear. It's not new, but it'll do its job greatly. It has (A) wireless, (B) print server, and (C) a solid firewall.

Look for it on eBay or Amazon or NewEgg. If you can't find it, PM me and I can sell it to you cheap.
What'd you use for the network diagram?

I would recommend the FWG114P by Netgear. It's not new, but it'll do its job greatly. It has (A) wireless, (B) print server, and (C) a solid firewall.

Look for it on eBay or Amazon or NewEgg. If you can't find it, PM me and I can sell it to you cheap.

I'll look for it, is it sort of cheap or no?