how would I make a custom windows install w/ all current drivers?


Sep 26, 2003
I'm interested in making my own custom windows install...

I want to slipstream SP2, I want to either have all the most up to date drivers for my nforce2 lan/usb/etc .. my audigy 2 zs drivers, latest ati drivers, etc etc etc...

either that or some how make a script which automatically installs the driver packages...

i also want a patched uxtheme.dll ... and want to automatically set the theme and everything i want..

also, it'd be cool if my CD Key could automatically be entered, less hassle...

and my last idea would be to make a 1 click install, if possible ... meaning I put the CD in after a format, and go... come back and it's done...

is any/all of this possible?

edit: i just got the idea to make a ghost image AFTER installing windows + drivers, etc etc etc... would that be efficient?
Thanks for any info
There is also the RIS install and Sysprep methods. Each has their own advantage, but I like sysprep better (doesn't involve actually installing windows), so it's faster. There is some sysprep info (though not directly related to this task) here.

That link is a specific use of sysprep, what you are asking for is it's intended use. Check out the last link in the post about adding OEM drivers.
I'm a big fan of making Ghost images. This will not help for multiple hardware configs, unless you follow Phoenix86's sysprep advice, and then Ghost. But, for one computer, it works great. It's basically a full system restore in 5 minutes.
I just got through learning to use Nlite, seems pretty cool, as well as Autostreamer. Both are nice applications. You can take the time at MSFN to learn to slip in registry tweaks, etc.

Doing the Sil sata stuff is harder, check out Greenmachine's site for help. Will eliminate the need for a floppy for sata drivers.

The Nforce driver pack uses installsheild, so there is a whole la-dee-daa you have to go through to automate the install of those as a unattended install. Ditto NVidia and ATI video card driver/controlpanel packages. Im not sure it's worth slip-ing them.

Nice thing is, you can stick EVERYTHING in the $OEM$ folders and pop the ISO on a DVD and setup will copy it all onto the install drive for you, if you want. Driver, spyware stuff, antivirus, misc utilities, etc.