How to test HDD health?


Mar 17, 2005
My computer has repeatedly had windows corrupted. I initially suspected the HDD, but it seemed to check out fine using SMART. I then switched out various other components without any change. So now I am thinking that it still might be the HDD again. Is there some other way to test it besides a diagnostic tool? The problem is that I cant tell if it is the HDD itself that is bad, or it is something else that is corrupting the HDD data. Any help would be appreciated.
I believe most manufacturer's website's have utilities that you can put on a floppy and run in DOS to test their hard drives. It's different for each mfg though.
As was already said, manufacturer utilities are the way to go. They'll be available for download on the manufacturer's site (they also come on the CD that comes with the hard drive, if it was bought retail), and with most manufacturers, you can get a bootable iso so you dont need to deal with floppy disks. Alternatively, you can get the UltimateBootCD, it has manufacturer utils from most (if not all) manufacturers on it, among many other useful things.