How to tell if Retail/OEM/Volume XP is installed

andy A

Limp Gawd
Jan 21, 2004
Kind of stupid question but how does a person tell which version (Retail/OEM/Volume/etc...) of XP Pro is installed on a machine?

Let me rephrase that, how do I tell if the copy of XP Pro that is installed is an OEM, Retail, or Volume license copy. The general tab does not appear to give me that info.
this prolly doesnt really help, but if you have a sticker on the case you can look at taht and it will tell you.
Other than that, ive never really had to look.
The first reply was right, Right click My computer -> Properties -> General Tab

if you look at the box i circled in the Product ID it says OEM (I have an OEM copy :p )
Chances are you wont be able to tell a difference between Retail, VLK, or Corp apart from actually trying to install with the key with the appropriate CD for that license

If you can.....I'd really like to know :p
thanks much, machine atleast does not show OEM so I guess it is either a retail or volume copy.

pending on the serial key used you can tell, i am just not sure where you could check the key against.
"How do I find the XP version info and EULA?"

You can access the XP Version Information and EULA [End-Users Licensing Agreement] by typing winver from START-->RUN text box.

The Version Information is displayed in the dialogue window and the EULA is accessed from the End-Users Licensing Agreement hyperlink.

The XP EULA can also be accessed from RUN or the Command prompt:

Type: X:\WINDOWS\system32\eula.txt where X is the drive letter of the Windows installation

i found that, havent tried it. lemme know if it works
well crap, that dont work. its just winver................
says i got pro though, but not what type. I htink you just sol :mad: