How to speed up MSN Messenger File Transfers?


Aug 15, 2004
Why does MSN Messenger transfer files really slow compared to ICQ or Yahoo Messenger or AIM?

Is there any specific thing I could do to speed the file transfer up? I get like 2 KB/s usually. Max goes up to 5 kb/s.

But we both have faster connections than that!
If you don't use a firewall, do you use a router? If so, then you will probably need to open up whatever port MSN uses during transfers (only if you're receiving though).

Also, are you the one sending or receiving?
BillLeeLee said:
If you don't use a firewall, do you use a router? If so, then you will probably need to open up whatever port MSN uses during transfers (only if you're receiving though).

Also, are you the one sending or receiving?
I am sending or receiving. Both cases.

I don't use any router, The cable modem connects directly to my NIC.

How do i open the ports? and how do i know which ones? i have no clue about ports
i too have the same issues...and the only person i know who uses MSN has given up using MSN to send file transfers..

sure its easy, but its way too damned slow...and i'm not going to disassemble my entire home network just so i can use that thing.

MSN is fun, the drawing, the buddy icons....but like all of the other clients (aim, yahoo) i hate it for its lack of options.

For this reason i have been using Trillian Pro for the past few years. when my buddy and i wanna have a fun chat we use MSN, but i have trillian open (as i always do) for file transfers, and all of my other friends that use AIM.

i honestly dont know how to speed it up, but id rather not put a gross amount of time into it. of course thats just me...i'll look around for ya, maybe there might be a simple solution out there
i dont mind using other messengers.....but some people dont have them :(

thats why i wanna fix it
Cable modem directly to Nic...With out any kind of firewall\router God knows what is slowing you up.........

If you dont have a router and Cable modem directly to Nic your ports are open...unless you have a ISP that blocks some of them you are all the way open for anythnig
well, trillian itself is like an all in one IM has aim, yahoo, msn, icq, and irc all in one program.

so even if i had any friends on any of the other networks, it'll still be alright to chat with them. of course, trillian pro as alot more features, not to mention plugins that you can some how "find" on the net to slap onto that