How to remove items from startup with the HD on another machine?


Oct 5, 2009
Does anyone know how I can remove items from XP startup if I have the hard drive in another computer? I have a computer that will not load windows and I believe it's due to a damaged program that keeps trying to load.
Can you run Safe Mode and remove your start up programs from msconfig and Start menu?
Safe mode won't load. It started to load once after I did an OS repair but now it asks to be activated and I can't activate it because I can't get into the normal windows mode to do so. I need to find a way to disable all the programs from startup while the HD is in another machine so normal windows will boot so I can activate it.
Attach the HDD to the computer you want to work on it with.

Open regedit via Run

Click on Hkey_local_machine then File-> Load Hive

Navigate to the second hard drive to Windows\system32\config\software

Navigate to SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

Also check out runservices

See if you can find that. Close as I can lead you since i'm not on an XP machine.

When your done, go back and click on the key that was created when you loaded the hive, then file->unload
K thanks. Will give that a shot and of course I'll backup the registry before I do make any changes just in case.