How to make Opera load quicker


Mar 11, 2005
Does anyone know of any ways to make Opera load quicker. It seems to start so much slower than IE or Firefox. I have reduced the size of the disk(2MB) and memory(4MB) caches. I've also trimmed down the fonts folder. It didn't really make a noticeable difference in the load time though. Does anyone know of any other tweaks/tricks to make Opera load quicker?
If Opera is not loading up fast, that's not normal behavior. Lots of fonts are usually the cause of that problem though.

I have 80 fonts and it works fine. It's usually the ones that have over 1000 fonts that have a problem because Opera queries them all when starting.

How much did you trim down the fonts?

Also, if you disable voice, that will help a little tiny bit.

Also, on load, Opera accesses each plugin file 10 times or more. If you have lots of plugin files, try removing them to see if that's the problem.

By default, Opera will scan for plugins in other Opera installs and even in Firefox's plugins folder.

If you edit opera6.ini and change the plugin path to only point to the plugins folder in the opera directory, that might help.