How to make IE not use Quicktime to view TIF images


Jul 27, 2004

I need my Internet Explorer not to use Quicktime to view TIF images. It seems when IE uses Quicktime, you are unable to view anything but the first page of the image(this is a scanned document with multiple pages).

If I remove Quicktime, it reverts back to the Windows pic viewer, which is what I want, but I dont want to remove Quicktime.

Neither the Windows file assosiaction bit (under folder options) or Quicktimes own assosiations says it should be used for TIF Im at a loss.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

If this is a document stored on your computer, hold down the shift key, and right click on it. You should have an Open With option. Select that. Highlight the Windows Picture Viewer, and check the box to always open with that application.

If this is a document on the web, download one, save it to your hard drive, and follow my above steps. It should be fixed for future files.
I run into this on systems here at work from time to time. If reassociating doesn't work I usually have to go into the registry and change the associations there.
Could you point me in the direction of the corrects keys please? A registry fix would be great, so easy to push to many users.

Ive checked HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and there TIF is associated with OIS.exe, the office picture manager. I find no association of TIF with Quicktime I can change though. I have the feeling the association is embeded in the IE keys somewhere, but I cant find it :(

THe documents are opened from the web, and saving it and forcing the association wont work. As soon as its downloaded and a local file, it opens in the correct program anyway. So I really do believe IE is the culprit here with its own hidden associations somewhere.
OK, so the setting I need altered is in the Quicktime preferences, under "Browser". There you have more file assosiations, and unchecking TIFF there works a charm.

Now, how to push that change to several hundred users.

Ive used filemon and regmon, and I can see the change takes away some MIME types under Quicktime in the registry, and it modifies the preferences file under Documents and Settings.

When I make that change manually(edit the registry and swap the preferences file with one that "works"), it wont break the assosiation though, so there must be one more spot Im just not finding.

gupp said:
OK, so the setting I need altered is in the Quicktime preferences, under "Browser". There you have more file assosiations, and unchecking TIFF there works a charm.

Now, how to push that change to several hundred users.

Ive used filemon and regmon, and I can see the change takes away some MIME types under Quicktime in the registry, and it modifies the preferences file under Documents and Settings.

When I make that change manually(edit the registry and swap the preferences file with one that "works"), it wont break the assosiation though, so there must be one more spot Im just not finding.


About the changes you are importing. Are some keys being removed, or just updated? Also, are you changing it under an individual user account, the defaults account, or the administrator account?