how to make a user account persistant?


Mar 30, 2001
when i first installed winxp on my system, id reboot and it would boot all the way without me having to do anything...then i did an update about a month ago and it started having me choose my user account everytime i rebooted even tho theres only one user account...anybody know how to make it not ask me what user account i want to boot up into and just boot straight into windows?
Download TweakUI. Once it's installed, run it and go to where it says "Logon". From there you can set it so that Windows XP automatically logs into a specified username.
cool question tho. does tweakui run int eh background and take up memory?
Nope. Doesn't run in the background and doesn't take up much memory. In fact you can use TweakUI to remove some of the eye candy of Windows XP.
Originally posted by No Limit
Download TweakUI. Once it's installed, run it and go to where it says "Logon". From there you can set it so that Windows XP automatically logs into a specified username.

SWEET. I've been wondering how to do this ever since XP came out. Asked the question multiple times too.
lol yea...apparently i already had it and the setting got switched off from an update or something...i went and set it back...thx again