How to find a Web Designer?


Jan 1, 2008
I have a layout designed in photoshop, it's pixel perfect, but can be changed, if a designer suggests to, I am very flexible, I work around whats feasible, not necessarily what I envision. And I can do most of the art, but I do not know how to code very well.

I was wondering, how to approach a designer? What are the typical costs associated with a designer? Does anyone here design and has a portfolio?

Its a basic website, and its 12 pages large, the database programming, I have a programmer, I just need the front end coding to be done.

Preferably Free would be best, since the site needs to get off the ground, but I am willing to work out something if need be, aka payment arrangements, etc.

You're not going to get someone to do it for free, I can tell you that right off the bat.

Depends on how you define free. Obviously everyone wants a kickback, and honestly I am prepared to do it to ways,

The site will be funded by advertisement, when I mention free, I mean help me get it started, once ads start kicking back, be it 10 cents or 10,000 dollars, then I would give a percentage and most likely (if the site is compelling enough) paying more than a normal job would entail in a longer period of time.


We can do it the old fashioned way, I can just pay for the job, which I am willing to do, though I have to check exactly how much that actually costs, so I can budget accordingly. Hence why I asked this question to begin with, heh.

I am not expecting freebies, but I could use help should someone be willing.
For starters, you're not looking for a 'designer' - you're looking for an HTML coder that can slice Photoshop files for you.

Try your local Craigslist computer gigs section. You could probably get it done by a decent freelancer for a few hundred bucks. is a great website for finding contract work for just about anything. several people will bid on your project, and you can pick which person you like.

ameoba is right, you're looking for a front-end developer, not a designer.

nobody will do it for the chance of payment, unless it's maybe one of your friends.
can you send me the image, to see if it is within my capabilities (it probably isn't), but if it is, I am looking for web design practice. even if you don't use it it would be a fun project for me.
For starters, you're not looking for a 'designer' - you're looking for an HTML coder that can slice Photoshop files for you.

Try your local Craigslist computer gigs section. You could probably get it done by a decent freelancer for a few hundred bucks.
Well a bit more than slice photoshop files, I can do that part hehe. is a great website for finding contract work for just about anything. several people will bid on your project, and you can pick which person you like.

ameoba is right, you're looking for a front-end developer, not a designer.

nobody will do it for the chance of payment, unless it's maybe one of your friends.
Good thing the programmer is a friend heh! But thanks will look into it!

can you send me the image, to see if it is within my capabilities (it probably isn't), but if it is, I am looking for web design practice. even if you don't use it it would be a fun project for me.
Sure, worst comes to worse we can both learn something :)
As the owner of a web development company, I can tell you for a fact no professional web designer will work for "kickbacks" after the site is successful and do it for free now.

That said, it sounds to me like you'd be just fine with a student or amateur taking a crack at it, which it looks like you're doing with useless-noob. It may not be coded properly, but it will still "look" ok and probably will be just fine for your needs.

To answer your question though, probably a grand for a qualified individual to produce a working xhtml compliant website that validates and is coded properly (i.e, css based, tableless layout etc.) from your photoshop design. For 12 pages, you're probably looking around $250 a page depending on what is on them.
If your site is templated in a way that shares a common layout and navigation across all pages, then just get a person to do one page. Take their results, and copy/adjust as needed for the remaining pages.

Also... Be aware that you're not going to find a seasoned person willing to do work for free up front, under the guise of "future business" or "profit sharing when we finally make a profit".
250 a page!? Sheesh that is highway robbery. We charge our customers 55/hr, and we estimate it takes 2 hours per page. All said and done you are looking at a total cost of $1,320. However, depending on your content, it could be a lot less.