How to Configure 2 Nics (1 internal) (1 external)


[H]F Junkie
Apr 13, 2005
Alright i have 2 Nics in my motherboard, but i want one to just be a local and one to be external for internet. Both Nics go through my router DHCP enable.

I have VISTA installed, and i can see VISTA automatically configures

1. Nic as Internet and local
2. Nic as local and local

But when i transfer files locally (to my server) first Nic works (which is Internet and local) and second Nic (Local and Local) sits there do nothing.

How can i stop the first Nic to do the local part so second Nic will do it ?

I hope it makes sense.
For having on the same IP range....going through all the steps to get this up and going..there is ZERO benefit. Your machine will actually logon and run slower.

But..unbind network services from the NIC you wish to use for internet, and on the NIC you wish to use for local network....manually enter your IP, subnet, and DNS...and leave the gateway blank.

You may also want to rearrange providor order in advanced network settings.
If you are running both nics to the router/switch, theres no point to this, thats going to be the bottleneck anyway.

The only way this makes any sense is If you had a direct gigabit connection between the machines. Then you could specify the ips statically, not enter a gateway, then mess with the route order.
The reason i want this is because, VISTA used to adjust that automatically. It increase the connection speed betweem Main computer and Server (11 MB/s) when i transfer files, while i am downloading something from Internet.

Now being only 1 Nic handling both tasks (Internet and Local) the transfer speed between Main Machine and Server is slow (7MB/s)
You'd get better more reliable results from a cheap $50 gigabit switch.

Agreed. With a gigabit network you'll only be limited by the speed of your harddrives. I can transfer between my desktop/server up to ~24MB/s while doing whatever on the the internet (mad torrenting)