How to buy..TV's? What to look for?

They would be using demo mode for in store viewing, so the comparison isnt worth much.
Yeah, I am aware; I knew immediately that every single display was completely different, so I tried not to judge any colors or saturation at all.
I was trying to look at viewing angles, reflectivity/light rejection, backlight differences, and shadow/highlight detail.

Maybe even this is expecting too much, lol.
You know, the matte finish is a love or hate it option. I love it on my laptop but hated it on my tv. I understand your issue with the windows being directly opposite, did you mention if those windows get direct sunlight? You might be good to test these gloss/glass tv's through some rental service to test out your glare problem.

They also make some pretty wicked drapes that block out a ton of light/heat, i used them on all of my larger windows.