How should i do this network?

Dec 11, 2001
hey people,

I'm at my good ol home, and im going to start up a network, currently i have my own computer and a laptop in a work group. it works, but as im studying hard for college on the very subject i think i should at least give myself a playground to attempt things and fiddle.

currently i have 4 computers and one laptop. as well as an 8 port switch and cables. i also need to share a broadband internet connection.

i have windows XP Pro, 2000 Pro, and 98, enough to go around as needed, i also have the server 2003 evaluation.

The laptop needs to eb able to be used off the network, but when connected have access to printers, internet, and mabey some storage space. My own compute ri need to be able to keep files on without any problems or risk of losein them, the other 3 are for what ever else.

anyone have any suggestions as to a setup? as im not sure about it myself
Set up a *nix based firewall then connect your switch then go out from there. 2k3 server you could set up as a DC or just got with a pier to pier network. Either way you will be able to use the laptop off the network just sign into that computer and not the domain.
What part seems to be confusing you?

Going by your post, I would just hook each computer up to the 8-port switch. Then uplink that to some small home router, like a linksys or netgear. You'll have extra ports on the switch and could even add an Access Point for wireless from the laptop.

Set the printer up on on the machine that will be on the most and set it to be shared. Then after you install it onto each computer, they will be able to print as long as the first one is on.

As for your files, just create a network share on your hard drive and map the other computers to it.

If you need any help performing any of these tasks, let us know.
Originally posted by Jgedeon
Set up a *nix based firewall then connect your switch then go out from there. 2k3 server you could set up as a DC or just got with a pier to pier network. Either way you will be able to use the laptop off the network just sign into that computer and not the domain.

I think a Linux-based firewall/router/samba server/print server would be a GREAT idea. However, I'm thinking that that may be just a teeny-bit beyond the scope of his knowledge given his question.

It'd be a great goal, however, you could set up something simpler and then move things over to *nix as you learn and feel comfrotable administering it.

Also, in response to my own post, you wouldnt even have to get a linksys or a netgear to share your broadband. If you're ok with leaving a computer on 24x7, you could hook up one computer to broadband and then either use Windows Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) or some sort of proxy-server. If you do this, also set it up as the printer server too.
thanks for the feedback everyone, highly appreciated!

I wasnt sure about shareing the net cnnection and printers, guess the moral is give it a whack, and see what happens.

Security aint too much of an issue, if anyone hacks in they can get some music, some shit like word files of no real value, and porn... good deal eh?

as for *unix routers and that, i have already done sme linux useing command line, it would be hard, but i wouldnt consider it out as being "too hard"

thanks again