How much would getting better ram help me?


Oct 8, 2004
I have corsair 3200c2pt which wont oc past ddr415 at its rated timings..SO my question is would getting some better 3200 like maybe 3200xl or some ballistix3200 give me enough of an oc increase to make it worth it. Im air cooled so i wont be overclocking past the theoretical boundaries of the 2 3200 dimms i mentioned so higher rated stuff like 3500 and above will be wasted.
It wont go much past that with the highest timings i can set and with the max 2.85vdimm my mobo supports. If it does go much higher than it will be counter productive to do it with very slack timings and a divider. Kinda pointless to oc and then cut your performance gain back to 0 to do so.
Whats your board and chip setup?

I use geil platinum 4000 it'll do 250FSB @ 2.7V and 285FSB @ 3.05V
I got an fx53 running on a neo 2 platinum...socket 939 of course. Ive narrowed my choices down to either the corsair 3200xl or the ballistix...but i'll get neither if they wont give me alot of gains.
chucky_d said:
It wont go much past that with the highest timings i can set and with the max 2.85vdimm my mobo supports. If it does go much higher than it will be counter productive to do it with very slack timings and a divider. Kinda pointless to oc and then cut your performance gain back to 0 to do so.

You won't know until you try, now will you? If you are going to blow off suggestions without trying them then why even post asking for help?
PsycoGeek said:
You won't know until you try, now will you? If you are going to blow off suggestions without trying them then why even post asking for help?

I thought i had stated that i tried the max timings and the max voltage already as well as setting a divider. All of that either didnt work or axed my performance gain.
chucky_d said:
I thought i had stated that i tried the max timings and the max voltage already as well as setting a divider. All of that either didnt work or axed my performance gain.

Have you tried upping voltage by itself, or relaxing timings without upping voltage? You may not need to do both.
I have tried all possible combination of the above mention advice and nothign works. I did however lock the ram freq at ddr400 and was able to get to a 230fsb on 1 notch above stock vcore(1.55) and since i flashed the bios i was able to change the multi to 13. After all this i have settled on the ram just not wanting to function above 215 regardless of the timigns or vdimm.
Time for new RAM then. And I would reccoment the PC3500 at the least.
Is there any 3500 that is rated at 2-2-2. Also from what im hearing 2-2-2 is wasted on the fx i have since it has onchip mem controllers that already have fast enough lantencies. I know for sure i dont want to get anything higher than 3500 since i wont be overclocking that much on air. So if 2-2-2 is wasted on my chip i guess i will need the very best 3500 i can find. What do you recommend as the best on the market?
Well, I'm partial to Geil. But a lot of people stick with Corsair (and for good reason). You can look into Mushkin, but even that has a CAS rating of 2,3,3. I don't know if there is any 3500 rated at 2,2,2.

One thing to keep in mind, and this is why I went with the Geil PC4400 for my setupeven thought I know I would probably never reach it's rated speed, is that if the RAM is rated at PC 3700 @ 2,3,3 (for example), it may very well run at lower clock speeds @ 2,2,2. At 260mhz FSB it ran fine (2.9v) @ 2.5,4,4. But at 265mhz FSB I had to drop to the 3,4,4 timings to keep it stable. Forthat reason you may want to just go ahead and give the PC3700 a try as long as the cost is within a few bucks of each other.

And if you are wandering how the memory performance is at those timings, check out this thread:

My mem scores have gone up since I upped the FSB, even with the slightly looser timings.