How Many Games Do You Finish/Beat in a Year?


Apr 7, 2006
Just curious how many games people manage to get through in a year?

I finished Tomb Raider last year and that was it. One of my fun resolutions for 2014 was to try to finish a game a month (without pushing myself...this stuff is supposed to be fun). So far I've knocked out Might and Magic X Legacy. It's March and I've only completed one game and I'm not even sure what I want to tackle next. I spend entirely too much time playing games that have no end...WoW and Hearthstone.
I think you answered your own question, most people are going to be spending the majority of their time with online multiplayer.
I barely play games for about three years until 2013 when I rebuilt my PC. In 2013 I beat, Tomb Raider, Rayman Legends, Bioshock Infinite, the entire Crysis series, Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Swarm, Arkham Origins, Sleeping Dogs, Max Payne 3, and Dishonored. Normally I play through 2 or three games a year. Suffice to say I had some time off and went a little insane this time around. There's a huge portion of gamers whom probably don't regularly visit these forms that are more interested in single player than multiplayer. I have to admit I will be playing Titanfall, but there isn't any other multiplayer games out this year that really interest me, aside from possibly the Diablo expansion.
There's a huge portion of gamers whom probably don't regularly visit these forms that are more interested in single player than multiplayer. I have to admit I will be playing Titanfall,

The portion of gamers that prefer singleplayer is anything but huge. You're definitely in the minority. In fact, this is supported by the reason why there is no singleplayer in the Titanfall game you mentioned, in a quote form one of it's developers: "It's like, everyone plays through the first level, but 5 percent of people finish the game"

Most humans prefer to play with/against human opponents for the majority of their gaming time. To put it as diplomatically as I can, those who don't usually aren't for whatever reason competitive and/or prefer to be alone.
The portion of gamers that prefer singleplayer is anything but huge. You're definitely in the minority. In fact, this is supported by the reason why there is no singleplayer in the Titanfall game you mentioned, in a quote form one of it's developers: "It's like, everyone plays through the first level, but 5 percent of people finish the game"

Most humans prefer to play with/against human opponents for the majority of their gaming time. To put it as diplomatically as I can, those who don't usually aren't for whatever reason competitive and/or prefer to be alone.

I have a hard time believing that when games like Grand Theft Auto have been such a huge success without multiplayer. There's also games like Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, Batman arkham games, even a lot of Diablo 3 gamers prefer to play alone. I'd like to see the statistics of people who mostly play multiplayer to people who mostly play single player. As for the non-competitive part, I've just grown tired of it, I'm not young any more and it's not as important to me as it once was. I loved Starcraft 2 online multiplayer, something has to really compel me to want to compete with anyone. As for the preference of being alone, I think that comes with age as well. I sure as hell don't want or need any new friends, I've got enough. People and their problems are a headache I don't need, I prefer to live well.
I have a hard time believing that when games like Grand Theft Auto have been such a huge success without multiplayer. There's also games like Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, Batman arkham games, even a lot of Diablo 3 gamers prefer to play alone. I'd like to see the statistics of people who mostly play multiplayer to people who mostly play single player. As for the non-competitive part, I've just grown tired of it, I'm not young any more and it's not as important to me as it once was. I loved Starcraft 2 online multiplayer, something has to really compel me to want to compete with anyone. As for the preference of being alone, I think that comes with age as well. I sure as hell don't want or need any new friends, I've got enough. People and their problems are a headache I don't need, I prefer to live well.

"Majority of their gaming time" means just that. Games like GTA, Mass Effect, Skyrim, whatever are pretty much just one-and-done games (played once and shelved). Most people put maybe 10-40 hours in your usual singleplayer game. That's nothing.
I'm a single player gamer. Typically, I'll finish 5-7 new games per year. I replay a lot of games, so probably could finish more of my backlog if I stuck only to new games.
I used to beat about 30-40 a year but the past couple years it's down to less than 10 a year. Just too little free time.
I prefer single player games. It's like a reading a book. I get to enjoy it on my terms. The only multiplayer game I play occasionally is the Trackmania series. Monaco looks interesting, I might play that online, for now I play around with it offline.

Recently finished of the top of my head:

Dust: An Elysian Tail <-- this simply holyshit wow!
LEGO: Movie
LEGO: Marvel
Tomb Raider
Alan Wake and Nightmare
Skyrim and all DLC
Ya I play a 50/50 mix of single player and multiplayer. If friends are around - multiplayer. If not, I like to actually finish SP games. I watch zero TV, so single player gaming kind of fills up that timeslot.

My list this past year was fairly large - probably about 20ish games (a lot of them were long RPGs - P4 golden anyone?). Too many to list - but 20 feels about right.
lol... here we go with this "singleplayer gamers are shut-ins" nonsense again.

The past two three years I've beaten somewhere between 10 and 20 games each year. I've completed 2-3 so far this year, but I'm about to start Fallout New Vegas so that'll slow me down.
I beat games like I beat my meat: as fast as possible and before the mrs gets home :p
I had games piling up in Steam, I was getting tired of playing Team Fortress 2 (there's that online multiplayer taking my time) and then I got serious about finishing those games:

02/20/12	Alan Wake
05/05/12	Sonic Generations
06/24/12	Limbo
07/07/12	Braid
07/14/12	Alan Wake DLC1
08/05/12	Sonic 4 Episode 2
09/05/12	LA Noire
10/15/12	Machinarium
10/20/12	Dishonored
11/19/12	Borderlands 2
11/25/12	Botanicula
12/02/12	FEAR 2
12/31/12	Borderlands 1
01/06/13	FEAR 3
02/09/13	Hard Reset
02/10/13	Alan Wake DLC2
02/23/13	Max Payne 3
02/24/13	Serious Sam 3
03/03/13	RAGE DLC
03/17/13	Brutal Legend
04/12/13	Resident Evil 6
04/20/13	Deadlight
04/25/13	Alan Wake's American Nightmare
05/01/13	Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
05/04/13	Bastion
05/23/13	Samorost 2
05/27/13	The Walking Dead
06/12/13	Amnesia: The Dark Descent
06/30/13	Hotline Miami
07/27/13	Dead Space 2
08/10/13	Rayman Origins
08/11/13	I Am Alive
08/15/13	Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery
08/22/13	Remember Me
08/31/13	Bioshock Infinite
09/02/13	Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
09/04/13	Metro 2033
09/07/13	Metro Last Light
09/08/13	DmC Devil May Cry
09/19/13	Far Cry 3
10/11/13	Castlevania Lords of Shadow
10/24/13	Tomb Raider (2013)
11/09/13	Resident Evil Revelations
11/16/13	Dead Island Riptide
11/18/13	Sleeping Dogs
12/01/13	Viscera Cleanup Detail
12/04/13	Hitman Absolution
12/06/13	Just Cause 2
12/15/13	Shadow Warrior 2013
12/22/13	Sonic 4 Episode 1
12/22/13	Mafia II
12/27/13	DuckTales Remastered
01/01/14	The Swapper
01/02/14	Super Mario U
01/12/14	Super Mario 3D World
01/22/14	Wind Waker HD
01/27/14	Toki Tori 2+
2/5/2014	Batman Arkham Origins
2/13/2014	Saints Row The Third

I thought I might be getting burned out at Saints Row 3 because I just wasn't feeling that game and finally I picked up Thief and have been playing that. I have a couple others I'm working on as well (Metal Slug 3, Rise of the Triad, and eventually DKC Tropical Freeze). I just hated the thought of having bought these games and not playing them... so I did.
I'm not really into MP gaming so I beat pretty much every game I buy excluding games that I paid less than $10 for.
I go through phases. I'll go a few months playing multiplayer til I get sick of humanity, then I'll enjoy me some good gaming on my own time where atmosphere and interesting stories or gameplay carries me for a while. Just beat Max Payne 1,2, and 3 last month(fucking awesome the 1st is my fav). Just started on the thief series, gonna go through all of em. Before this I put about 400 hrs into diablo 3 and BF4 and prob 500 into League of Legends(fuck that game).

btw they did statistics on xbox live and other than CoD players only around 18% of xbox gamers are on multiplayer.
"Majority of their gaming time" means just that. Games like GTA, Mass Effect, Skyrim, whatever are pretty much just one-and-done games (played once and shelved). Most people put maybe 10-40 hours in your usual singleplayer game. That's nothing.

Huh?? maybe you consider those games 'one and done' but the majority of the people I know, put hundreds of hours into Skyrim, alone. They don't have massive mod communities because they play it once and never come back to it.

tldr: Horrible examples and horrible assumptions.

EDIT: Last game I beat/completed was Sleeping Dogs a few months ago. I have a bit of gamer ADD
Cannot finish that one game still - Planetside 2. 400 hours and still no end game. Crap.
Huh?? maybe you consider those games 'one and done' but the majority of the people I know, put hundreds of hours into Skyrim, alone. They don't have massive mod communities because they play it once and never come back to it.

tldr: Horrible examples and horrible assumptions.

EDIT: Last game I beat/completed was Sleeping Dogs a few months ago. I have a bit of gamer ADD

Wrong. Sure there are small communities devoted to poopsocking Skyim, but most normal people don't do that. Someone's even done the work for me to support my case in what should be obvious to any normal person:

Again, the keywords being "normal person." Funny how all you singleplayer bros so desperately cling to the idea that you're not the gamer equivalent of the weird, red-headed stepchild. Lmao

Come on now, you know it, I know it, we all know it.
Wrong. Sure there are small communities devoted to poopsocking Skyim, but most normal people don't do that. Someone's even done the work for me to support my case in what should be obvious to any normal person:

Again, the keywords being "normal person." Funny how all you singleplayer bros want to pretend you're not the gamer equivalent of the weird, red-headed stepchild. Lmao

A Kotaku article as your source?

Well that's unfortunate.
A Kotaku article as your source?

Well that's unfortunate.

That's your response to a simple look at a few statistics/empirical evidence? You're basically covering your ears and yelling gibberish in the face of facts at this point. I'm sorry to point out that your reality seems to deviate from the actual one. You know, the one based in fact 'n shit.

This is fun for me though, so keep it up. Your lightning reply before I could even edit my post for funnier verbage was great. I'm guessing this topic is important to you.
This is fun for me though, so keep it up.
And this is why a lot of us "red-headed step children" don't bother with multiplayer gaming. Because there are too many people on those communities who get their jollies by shitting on others for being different. I played MP games exclusively for over five years, but I got tired of people like you.

Here's a tip, if you don't like SP games or SP gamers, maybe you should avoid threads about singleplayer games instead of making broad statements about people you don't know.
Ya i only play mp games with friends now since i got tired of mp elitist fanboys/stupid people.

and as for people beating skyrim hell i never cared about beating skyrim but i still have 100+ hours in.

Back on topic. i don't keep track( unfortunatly)
i wish steam did. but i guess probably around 5-10, its Been a bad year for games ( at least for me)
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And this is why a lot of us "red-headed step children" don't bother with multiplayer gaming. Because there are too many people on those communities who get their jollies by shitting on others for being different. I played MP games exclusively for over five years, but I got tired of people like you.

Here's a tip, if you don't like SP games or SP gamers, maybe you should avoid threads about singleplayer games instead of making broad statements about people you don't know.

I was going to post a response, but this summed it up pretty nicely. +1
And this is why a lot of us "red-headed step children" don't bother with multiplayer gaming. Because there are too many people on those communities who get their jollies by shitting on others for being different. I played MP games exclusively for over five years, but I got tired of people like you.

Here's a tip, if you don't like SP games or SP gamers, maybe you should avoid threads about singleplayer games instead of making broad statements about people you don't know.

+1. I'm playing through Black Flag right now. Can't remember having this much fun in a long time!
Maybe 1-2 a year, but I only buy games I really want.

I also play a lot of sport games, but you can't really 'beat' them.
And this is why a lot of us "red-headed step children" don't bother with multiplayer gaming. Because there are too many people on those communities who get their jollies by shitting on others for being different. I played MP games exclusively for over five years, but I got tired of people like you.

Here's a tip, if you don't like SP games or SP gamers, maybe you should avoid threads about singleplayer games instead of making broad statements about people you don't know.

What are my broad statements about people I don't know? I'm sorry if you don't like the red-headed stepchild analogy, but being the looked-down-upon minority you are, well, that's what you are, frankly. If you don't like it, too bad. That's the reality.

Just accept the fact that you basically fell prey to natural selection and can't hack it in the modern online multiplayer competitive environments. On a social darwinist scale you and your ilk represent the sickly gazelle.

Looking forward to your funny replies/excuses.
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I'm guessing reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

Your entire post was a broad statement regarding people you don't know.

You can definitely PM me if you'd like to continue this further though. You're derailing a decent thread ;)
Well...I grew up on a farm where internet was a 56k dialup while everyone else had DSL. Needless to say I couldn't play online games and only recently started doing online games.

I would do about 5 to 8 games per year. Played all the Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Witcher, Fallouts, Zeldas you name it. If it was an RPG game I played it most likely.

I am looking forward to The Witcher 3 and Dragon Age more than any other online game.
Your entire post was a broad statement regarding people you don't know.

You can definitely PM me if you'd like to continue this further though. You're derailing a decent thread ;)

Feel free to point out my broad statement regarding people I don't know. That way I could point out your failure at comprehension more precisely.