How does "SEARCH" and / or "DELETE" work in Vista?


Jun 4, 2004
I really cannot figure out how to do a proper search in Vista.

Is there an option to search for hidden files?

How do I search for a specific file type?

How do I know when a search has finished?

Remember the drop-down box in XP which would give you the option for selecting a specific file type?

Or the fact that a search could be done (no name) to display the entire contents of a folder or drive?

WTF man...

I really don't get this new search system.....

How about the DELETE option, Why is this thing RECYCLING ALL THE TIME.

Why does it take so long to delete something from the drive. (I changed the recycled size limit to only 500mb)
1) You need to unhide hidden files in order to search for them, same as XP

2) You can always turn off the recycling bin, or hold down shift and delete, to remove the files right away, same as XP.

Under "Advanced Search" there is an option for "hidden files" search.

But for the deleting part, I don't want to turn off the Recycling Bin, I just don't want this Vista to think so much before deleting a file.
How do I search for a specific file type?

Easiest way is to use *.EXT, just as it has been since the days of DOS
How do I know when a search has finished?

It stops spitting out new results
Remember the drop-down box in XP which would give you the option for selecting a specific file type?

Bung *.EXT in the 'Name' box if you are using the Search interface

It seems to work best if you allow indexing on all drives and simply use the entry box above the Start button. I've found that only a few characters entered into that box finds me any file, folder, program or whatever else I'm looking for.
The Vista search option is great when knowing what to look for, but when searching randomly for garbage, it really sucks.

I decided to display the entire contents of a 250GB HD and the search stops @ exactly 5000 items or 30GB. It's some sort of a limit.

I really hate not being able to hit search to display the entire contents of a drive and then browse by size or date created.
for hidden press the windows key and alt together
then do what yo normally do for xp