How does it work? RV082


May 10, 2006
I'm getting an RV082 soon and I know "how does load balancing work" has been asked millions of time, I know how to it works, packet here packet there blah blah blah.

My question is more along the lines of incoming connections rather then outgoing requests.

As far as I know I'll still have 2 IPs and my main question is, if someone is connecting to one of my servers directly to IP that connection gets all the traffic... yes? no?

I have 1 server (maybe more at some point) that at some point (I hope) will have 20+ people connecting to remotely, and then a couple others website, e-mail, so on so forth (no torrents or anything like that, I'm not trying to achieve some huge upload speed here)

the point of load balancing is to well balance that load so that if someone is connecting to the website or sending e-mail it won't get slowed/or slow the other servers

sure I can set some servers on connection 1 and others on 2, but I don't want the wasted bandwidth.

This will prolly be the highest grade router I've owned, most of the other stuff I've had is low end consumer stuff that is pretty much on the avoid list lol
For incoming connections, say...someone hitting your web server from across the globe, the load balancing is not a function of the RV0, it's a function you setup in DNS load balancing. So when someone from across the country tries to connect to your webserver, their DNS tells them which IP to go to, your RV0 doesn't do that.
I'm getting an RV082 soon and I know "how does load balancing work" has been asked millions of time, I know how to it works, packet here packet there blah blah blah.

My question is more along the lines of incoming connections rather then outgoing requests.

As far as I know I'll still have 2 IPs and my main question is, if someone is connecting to one of my servers directly to IP that connection gets all the traffic... yes? no?

I have 1 server (maybe more at some point) that at some point (I hope) will have 20+ people connecting to remotely, and then a couple others website, e-mail, so on so forth (no torrents or anything like that, I'm not trying to achieve some huge upload speed here)

the point of load balancing is to well balance that load so that if someone is connecting to the website or sending e-mail it won't get slowed/or slow the other servers

sure I can set some servers on connection 1 and others on 2, but I don't want the wasted bandwidth.

This will prolly be the highest grade router I've owned, most of the other stuff I've had is low end consumer stuff that is pretty much on the avoid list lol

Doesn't really effect incoming traffic, you have two IP's and one needs to use them. It mainly affects outbound traffic, in which it uses round robin load balancing, alternating between establishing new connections on either port. It's an old outdated technique that isn't really used anymore due to some issues associated with it. This is not a powerful router if you want to run a bunch of server behind it. As for DNS load balancing, yes this technique could work quite nicely with a dual connection router such as the RV series or even two separate routers.
. This is not a powerful router if you want to run a bunch of server behind it.

I beg to differ there, we have..hmmm...this month, abougt 15 servers co-lo'd behind one, on a 45 meg connection. Quite a few heavy Exchange servers, some RBackup servers which pump many many gigs 24/7 for our RBackbup remote backup product we provide for our clients, several VPN tunnels, remote VPN, Yeah there are more powerful routers out there, certainly a nice PFSense box is my fave, but for under 3's great bang for the buck, and uptime that can be measured towards a year or more.

I have about 50x RV0s at various clients.
ya for what i want its a great router of course since stonecat is the one that told me about it he filled me in on why.

where should i look on dns load balancing? i can try to distribute the larger loads myself and then let the website just pick at whats left.

and since i got it for $199 it was a good deal and less for me to have to do with it to get it to just work until i need to start getting advanced with it.
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