How do I make my start menu Larger?


Mar 30, 2006
Its really tiny at the moment

Add more things to it. Pin some programs or leave more of the settings on the right enabled.
it wasnt a problem in win7 RC, now that I;ve switched to full version of pro the start menu is small, and it has the same programs and settings
You have almost everything turned off on the right hand side and nothing pinned on the left... Are you for real?

Dumbest thread of the year award?

You just gave TheBuzzer a run for his money. ;)
You have almost everything turned off on the right hand side and nothing pinned on the left... Are you for real?

Dumbest thread of the year award?

You just gave TheBuzzer a run for his money. ;)

Had exact same settings on RC and it wasnt as tiny as this.
it wasnt a problem in win7 RC, now that I;ve switched to full version of pro the start menu is small, and it has the same programs and settings
It's using just enough space for what you told it to contain. If it used more people would (rightly) claim that it was wasting space. Just add some more stuff to it. Turn "most recently used programs" (which is really most frequently used programs, but I digress) on, it's rather useful.
It only uses enough space to show what you tell it to show. Solution: tell it to show more stuff.