How do I force Enable windows aero in vista?

How much RAM do you have allocated to graphics? I'd suspect the setting is too low ;)
ultimate, i have intel 915 vid drivers installed
Intel doesn't support Aero with the GMA900. Support for it was pulled over a year ago during the beta. I'm not sure why it was pulled. It seemed to work fine once Aero was forced on with a hack (which no longer works).
they got to make some sort of patch soon!! :mad: ...cuz i bought vista ultimate and i cant settle for basic graphics
they got to make some sort of patch soon!! :mad: ...cuz i bought vista ultimate and i cant settle for basic graphics

Good luck with hoping for that. Intel isn't even bothering to make WDDM drivers for the GMA900. The old hack worked because Aero could be forced on without WDDM drivers. That loophole was closed in the later beta 2 of Vista.

It's a little late for you now, but the no-Aero limitiation of GMA900 on Vista has been widely reported for well over a year. I first heard about it in 2005.
they got to make some sort of patch soon!! :mad: ...cuz i bought vista ultimate and i cant settle for basic graphics
If you're willing to drop that kind of coin on an OS, you should atleast have been willing to get the free Vista Advisor and verify you're system can handle it. It this a system that doesn't have an AGP or PCI-E slot in it? You could easily, and cheaply get a compatible card, if the board does.
there is an osx driver for that video system though lol. maybe the open source community will hack one together, that is a very common chipset.
Sorry Gold, feel your pain. $400 is a lot to drop on something you're only going to get $200 enjoyment out of. Like someone mentioned earlier however, why don't you just get a cheap SM 2.0 capable AGP / PCI-E card? If you can spend that much on a OS, you can spend $50 on a video card that will let you enjoy the rest of your OS.

If you have no upgrade slots... then I REALLY feel for ya.

Someone will probably come out with a hack for your card to work with aero in due time considering it was semi-supported during beta.
they got to make some sort of patch soon!! :mad: ...cuz i bought vista ultimate and i cant settle for basic graphics

Then get a real fucking video card. onboard video is for servers and solitaire players.

Someone running ultimate should have ULTIMATE hardware
Same position here.

Dell XPS M140 here.

Im just PISSED OFF that intel scrapped support for the GMA900. Its not like the chipset cant handle aero....its Intel locking us out of it. :mad:

Fuck Intel.